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What's the weather like there?

edited August 2015 in Writing
On the basis that the "New what were you doing just then" thread seems full of weather reports through which one has to wade to get to actual events such as sibling fights and poetry readings, I thought a dedicated thread might be appreciated.

Sunny and too damned hot here.

What about you?


  • Been a mixed day, sunshine, clouds, a breeze. Now dark and cool.
  • Wow, it is here, too, Baggy! Coincidence or what? Not cold any more though.
  • Wet n wild :)
  • Well, it's quite calm now and isn't raining, but I just wanted to write that
  • Grey - but not cold. Rain expected later.
  • Sunny here but rain forecast for this evening, it is therefore a gardening day
  • Grey, cold and very wet, here.
  • Nondescript.

    Nothing to report, Ma'am.

    Over and out.
  • Sunshine but breezy.
  • Dull. Had hospital appt. Got lift, walked to lift up pavement into Sacred Heart car park, got in car was driven to hospital, came out, driven home and didn't even notice what the weather was.

    Glad it's not raining as Pete has to film this evening.
  • Not raining here either. Would quite like it to because of the garden.
  • The sun has gone and the clouds are lurking- and the breeze has picked up a lot. :(
  • Torrential rain as I passed Kingston Lacy - on my way to Wimborne.

    Sticky in Blandford.

    Muggy now.
  • Dull and grey.
  • It has peed down here. Shortly after I put out a duvet to air. Grrr.

    Now just cloudy and VERY windy *phut* ooer, excuse me.

  • It was dull in Streatham this morning and it's dull in Worcester this afternoon, There was sporadic precipitation on the South Circular, M4, M25, M40, M42 and M5 which was adequately dealt with by the windscreen wipers.
    No weather warnings were seen on the motorways and in-car temperature was controlled by selective use of the air conditioning system
  • Supposed to be showery, but it's jut sunshine and clouds and blustery, enough to dry three lots of bedding.
    I moved my desk back up to the mezzanine because it looks as though the hot weather has passed. Cue hot spell due next week. It won't last.
  • Blowy. Hope rain holds off for Pete's filming.
  • Mixture of cloud and sunshine when I was at Cholmondeley Castle Gardens in Cheshire today. Now raining here on the Wirral and has been for most of the evening. On the bright side it is warmer than of late.
  • S'been a nice day for the ducks, on and off.
  • White fluffy clouds smeared across a blue sky, followed by pink fluffy clouds and now moonlight.
    Hot enough to need a shower before bed.
  • What a lovely vision, Lizy.
    Grey and wet, again, here.
  • Here, too.
    British summer, eh?

    *decides to swap homes with Lizy*
  • Roads are still wet from an earlier shower. Looks cloudy. More rain?
  • Wet ground. Sunny.
  • Dull, humid, grey?
  • What ever de webber, it's a fantastic day to be alive, alive, alive alive oh!
  • Dull, humid, grey?
    Dull, humourless and glum.

  • Dull, humourless and glum.

    Just realised why that seems so familiar - it's a line from F W Harvey's poem 'Ducks' - *wonders if this is coincidence, or not*
  • The sun's just come out! Need to water my friend's garden...
  • Sunny here. Just had a magnum almond in the garden.
  • Sun here too. Hot sun.

    Nell... isn't your friend's garden full of water, still?
  • Beautiful here. Warm, little breeze.
  • Now warm with a slight breeze.

    When I went out this morning it was cool and raining so I was in my mac with an umbrella.

    So by the time I came out of my hairdressing appointment I was overdressed and looked daft walking around with an umbrella- that doesn't fold up...
  • I have a brill umbrella that is SO light, windproof, surprisingly strong and can be in my handbag all the time. I thought I'd lost it once but i'd left it in a suitcase. i LOVE it, but have never seen another so light. It's made by Fulton. I recommend one of those, carol.
  • I have a number of fold-up ones but I've no idea where they are. The full length ones get put in a specific place because of their size and don't get moved, so I can always find it when needed. :)
  • Ah, now, yes.. I do have that problem. I have about 5, some were mum's, some mine, bought when in a rainy fix... I keep this one in my handbag, it's so small and light it doesn't notice so it's always there.
  • Lovely, now. Sunny with a light breeze.
  • Mmmmmmm.
  • Still sunny here.
  • Dark again. What happened to today?
  • It came. It left. It might return tomorrow.
  • Bright. The forecast looks promising...
  • I am full of hope it's gonna be another wonderful day.
  • Sunny! First load of washing's on the line. B-)
  • It's cool and overcast- the sky is off-white completely.
  • Sunny and blue, and just what a summer's day should be.
  • Beautiful sunny day here in West Cork with barely a cloud in the sky. Flying to UK this afternoon... hope it's as nice over there!
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