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Star deely boppers - anyone seen any lately?

edited December 2015 in Writing
Have to go to New Year party with the theme of ''Night of a Thousand Stars'.

It seems people are just glitzing themselves, but i'd rather like some star deely boppers... anyone seen any around, or can anyone suggest a place to try?


  • Considering how long ago they were popular, the Egyptian Room at the British Museum is probably your best bet, Liz
  • What are they?
  • What are they?
  • Ditto ditto
  • Things you put on your head which boing, they can have all sorts of themes. Usually sported by children... They are making a comeback, apparently!
  • Not seen them this year, but no doubt we will next year. #-o
  • I thought they were feely boppers (no idea why they would be, but that's what we called them).
  • Ok, I think I know what you're talking about now. (What a peculiar name for the contraptions!)
  • I know! Bonkers.

    Feely boppers sounds more fun, somehow.

    We didn't need them in the end - Pete found a black shirt with planets and stars on, and I had a jumper anyway with little white flecks and sparkly bits, and he bought me a necklace with stars on.

    Twas a good party.
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