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Christmas "trying not to patronise" thread

edited December 2008 in - Writing Problems
I am not sure how this will come across to people. Probably mixed reactions - as we know it's often difficult to portray what we really intend on a forum. I am writing on the "writing problems" category, as I am having a problem writing at the moment and I wanted to acknowledge that and to also acknowledge that I am sure there are many others feeling the same, but perhaps not wanting to voice their thoughts.

It's Christmas, and usually at this time of year I am well into the festive spirit with shopping like crazy, making sure I have all the foodstuffs that I know won't even be eaten, but have to have because its Christmas, playing carols and singing with the kids etc. etc. I have to admit that I can hardly believe that it is 2 days before Christmas and I haven''t even put up the tree this year. I have presents not wrapped and every advert on the TV for the "magical" day leaves me feeling more useless and unworthy of my family and friends. "Do what YOU want to do- not what you think you should do" they keep telling me. What do I want to do ?

I do not wish to be patronising and I am not looking for sympathy. I am also hoping that I am not spoiling others preparations and excitement.
Just expressing what I am feeling at the moment in the hope that it may help someone else who possibly feels the same.

I will be at the carol service tomorrow night at church, I will be opening presents with everyone on Christmas day, and no doubt I will be playing charades. But it will be an "unreal" experience.
Why? I don't know. Am I just a miserable old grouch who needs to "pull herself together" ? I am trying to, though not very successfully. There are many, many people with many, many more problems than me. Am I just selfish and self centred ? Probably.
(5 years ago I went and volunteered at "Crisis Christmas" in the shelters in London, sleeping on someones settee and realising that a lot of other volunteers, though doing a vital job for the people using the services, were also doing a bit of self therapy . I couldn't do that over the last few years for numerous reasons.)

Despite this doom and gloom I am writing, I do wish everyone an enjoyable and peaceful Christmas. I hope that the real reason for the season shines through for whatever reason you celebrate !

With love and best wishes, to all
Lexia x


  • Just go through the motions, Lexia - wrap those presents, light that tree, sing those carols - some of the joy may seep in if you let it! If not, at least you will know those around you were not dragged down with your mood ;)

    I'm not making light, here, Lexia - I speak as one who knows.
  • Lexia i understand what you are saying and agree with mcb, just go with it, try to let others joy rub off on you, it will be over soon. *hugs*
  • Lexia, there is NO ONE I have spoken to who is feeling Christmassy or has any energy to do anything. We had circle last night, Mary had managed the tree and a few decorations, most of her presents remain unwrapped. Linda, the other sitter, has no tree and virtually nothing done. My sister, same. Us at home, same. Shaun hasn't even bought Christmas cards. Somehow this year has been deflating for so many, so know you are Far From Being Alone in this feeling. It's the general mood of the country, I think, and it has affected us all. Stores closing, people losing their jobs, prices going through the roof, the general atmosphere is 'I need to cut back' and so we do and that makes us feel even more Scrooge-like. I send everyone the wish that next year will be much, much better and we look back on this time as a bleak but necessary experience.
  • Don't worry Lexia, it happens to all of us sometimes. Two years ago I just wanted to cancel Christmas, wasn't interested, but went through the motions as McB suggests and just take it easy, don't be too hard on yourself.

    I've done Crisis too in the past - an "interesting" experience to say the least! Was at the main shelter 5 years ago so may have bumped into you! :-)
  • Lexia, I haven't wrapped the pressies yet, or got any decorations up and i haven't sent any Christmas cards. Join the club and don't worry. Just plaster the smile on your face and carry on. Eventually some of the Christmas spirit may seep through. That's what I'm hoping anyway. Love and best wishes to you and a big hug
  • Despite popular opinion, Lexia, nowhere in the Bible does it say "Thou shalt be happy at Christmas, no matter what". The peace and goodwill towards man thing was something to aim at all your life and sometimes things just get too hard and you have to let them slide for a while. If that happens around Christmas so be it. There's no need to feel guilty. There's no need to feel a failure because you haven't the energy to paste on a plastic grin and pretend you're thrilled with everything. The most important thing is not to be down on yourself. Go have a nice warm bath, read something you enjoy, watch a good movie, do something for yourself. As long as you're not actively seeking to spoil everyone else's Christmas, what do you have to worry about? As 'they' (your family?) said - do what YOU want to do.

    I wish you peace, on Christmas Day and every other day.
  • I decided to put this lack of Christmas spirit to some good. I thought I'd channel it into some fiction. I have time to write over the holiday and don't want to waste the emotions.

    I may find it all reads very depressingly, but as I normally write up-beat articles, it will be interesting to see what happens.

    I'm not making light of our lack of Christmas spirit, but writing it down often helps.
  • Don't worry Lexia. You've had a lot to deal with, and when you get to this time of year it can just seem like too much effort.
    Go with what you want to do- it doesn't matter if the tree isn't up- it is just a symbol.
    Just do what you want.
    The real important thing is being together and knowing how much you care for each other.
    Big hug (((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  • I haven't a tree or put any decorations up. Doesn't seem much point if you're on your own. I have the cards I have received - that's enough.
  • Hi Lexia - here's another person who knows what you mean. I do not feel at all Christmassy and wish the whole thing was over. I have forced myself to do some stuff and it has helped a bit - but not very much. For me, it's partly because my mum's birthday was on Christmas Eve and since she passed away three years ago it hasn't been the same. And as Dorothy says, a lot of folk are feeling down this year for financial and job-related reasons. Even if it doesn't affect us personally, the mood of the country is low and I would guess most adults don't feel Christmassy this year. Hearing all the festive gush on TV, etc, often just makes it worse.

    Take care, try to do things you enjoy, let others do the decorations, etc, if that's what they feel like doing.
  • edited December 2008
    Thankyou - all of you speak such GOD DAMN SENSE !! I said I wasn't looking for sympathy....and no one here gives it, you just give good sound empathy and advice.

    (and you have managed to make the tears roll down my face even more...but with a little smile behind them now !) ;)
  • Lexia I am feeling a bit like you not really Christmassy. I was looking forward to Christmas until my husband lost his job now I am just worrying about how we will manage after Christmas but I am going to try and enjoy the day itself and seeing my grandaughter will help. Being with my family will be the best present of all and I know I am truly blessed having them all. I hope that you find some joy and peace. God bless.
  • I'm glad there's a tiny smile there now, Lexia. Hope you can manage to keep hold of it. If you still feel the same in a couple of weeks though, I'd be inclined to go to the Doc, just in case you are slipping into depression. Hopefully that won't be the case at all.It's probably just the pressure of feeling you have to be festive that's making you feel so down. another hug for you
    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{x Lexia x}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    (posh one this time)
  • So sorry to hear about your husband's job, Kateyanne. I have maybe missed this on another thread. I hope things will work out for you all and that you will be able to enjoy Christmas with the family. Hugs to you and a further one to Lexia and anyone else who is feeling down.
  • KJKJ
    edited December 2008
    I also haven't bothered with any Christmas preparations - quite simply, I cannot be bothered this year!
    I have sent cards to friends, bought a few pressies. Quite honestly, I'll be glad when it's over and the family get out of the house - back to work/school, whatever.

    I usually enjoy the magic of Christmas, and celebrate it for all the right reasons - this year I have lost all interest, like so many of you who have already posted here.

    The tree is sitting in a box (we use an artificial one) - stepson and his baby daughter arrive this afternoon - perhaps someone will put the tree up. We can't have lights/dangly decorations, since the kitten will climb tree and chew electric cables - he seems to enjoy that (he ate the wire to my son's headphones last week).
    I'll treat my dad to a lovely Christmas dinner, because he deserves some attention; that's about the extent of my effort. Roll on 2009 - there's lots I want to get on with.

    For what it's worth - I sincerely do wish you all a very happy Christmas and the peace you seek.
  • edited December 2008
    I agree, the feelin of Christmas is actually that of doom and gloom...it's been made to feel like a grim year with worse to come.
    However in cutting back, there is still fun to be had. If the people of the World Wars could do it, so can we. That's my feeling on it.

    Yesterday I saw the remains of the packet of marzipan after Mum had covered the fruit cake with it. So I took that marzipan and divided it into bits, then moulded each lump into a shape...a curled up cat, a dolphin, a star, an art palette with a paintbrush. When Dad got home from work, he was really pleased with it, and all the bits of marzipan between me and my parents got eaten! Dad's been chopping up old bits of wood for the fire for the coldest nights and when we're cold, instead of turning up the heating we grab a sweater instead.
    I don't know what I'll do next. I'm just playing around in between the first chance I've got to relax all year. I think dad's planning to transfer the old childhood slides to video and when we do, we'll have a grand family screening of all embarrassing times, though in the meantime we can still use the old projector.

    For a Xmas present from my parents, I've asked them just to actually play some board games with me, as that's something they never find time to do during the year, so I look forward to that.
    When the doom and gloom sets in, I think of a poem I read often when I was a child.
    Don't worry, don't worry,
    It'll be alright,
    Step out of the darkness
    And into the light.
    For worry casts shadows
    Of mountainous size,
    Enshrouding our molehills
    In fearful disguise.
    Will the birds sing tomorrow,
    Will the sun disappear?
    All the worries of millions
    Won't hasten them here!
  • great poem! thanks!
  • That's a good poem. Thanks.
  • Far more people than you think feel exactly the same, lexia. (This year me for one). My boys put the tree and decorations up and I'm ashamed to say I barely had the energy to look and admire it. I did though. I owed them that at least. I hope you'll find some peaceful and enjoyable moments. I don't think we have to live up to everyone else's expectation of Christmas.
  • That's a lovely poem Tessadragon.
  • What a relief to read that so many other people are feeling so unchristmassy this year. Like Lexia I can't believe Christmas is so close. I'll be glad when it's all over and my husband feels the same. I put up our small Christmas tree on Sunday. Both sets of lights have gone out! I think that says it all. The dog will enjoy ripping the paper off her presents and we will enjoy watching her. I do hope everyone has a happy and peaceful time and a healthy 2009.

    Lovely poem TJ.
  • Last weekend my sister and I put up a tree at my parents as always but they are both unwell. The whole family is uneasy this year.. some are doing their own thing. My daughter is in Mexico.

    I had a surprise Christmas card from a "Postman Matt"..never before. I don't know who he is. It was nice a jesture though. Small acts may be more uplifting ...

    Best wishes to all and peace on Earth.
  • Lexia there is no sympathy in this hug ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) but I do hope that on ploughing on through you find moments of pleasure and happiness, most likely where you weren't looking. Take care. I am going to make a new year's resolution to be less grumpy - I'm reckoning it won't get past 2nd Jan!
  • Absolutely no blinkin' sympathy in mine either!!! (Love ya) We all go through times like this, Lexia. 2006 I had a rotten Christmas so last year I 'escaped' the whole thing by driving thousands of miles away from everything. Found out You can't actually drive away from Christmas. Who knew? Anyway, I hope you find a smile somewhere over the holidays when in the company of your family and/or friends. Thinking of you. (But TOTALLY not being sympathetic. No, not at all) ;)
  • sending thoughts to all TBers who were not looking forward to Christmas, in the hope you managed to salvage some joy or happiness or at least some peace for yourself from the day. Let us know how you fared, please!
  • edited December 2008
    Well I was fairly positive about Christmas once it actually arrived and the day went well until evening when elder step-daughter arrived. As she distributed her presents I was fine about her having bought me nothing (as always) but her dad started asking me if I was okay and whether anything was wrong - grrr! I told him I was fine, which I was, and tried to signal to him to shut up. A few minutes later I got up to go to the loo and to get an indigestion tablet (and also to escape his embarrassing concern). Came back after 5 min to discover that step-daughter had left the house in tears (thinking I was upset because of the lack of present) and rest of the family all thought I had gone off in a sulk, and were barely speaking to me because I had upset poor old step-daughter.

    Have tried to phone her 16 times to explain, but she's not asnwering. Have texted too.

    Ever feel you've stepped into a pantomime? Poor step-mother is all I can say, if Cinderella's family were anything like this one!

    Anyone else feeling like the black sheep who stepped in a cowpat and indavertently wrecked everyone's Christmas? :(
  • No, you're not a black sheep, Rosalie. You're just dealing with tender sensibilities. It's never easy.
    Mrs. Brady has a lot to answer for because it aint all beer and skittles in the real world - and remember, she had Alice to smooth the path for her. (What exactly does 'beer & skittles' mean anyway?)
  • Rosalie, that's as bad a case of over reaction as I ever did see and no one giving you a chance to explain. Poor you. Stand proud, you did what you did out of sensibilities (yours) with thought for everyone else's (as you do) and it went wrong. It isn't your fault.

    Not exactly the same but shows how a spiral can be formed ... a spirit person wrote to me and asked me to get a bear for his human companion for Christmas and he would send the money. The human wrote to tell me he had approached her for money and said it was a gift for me, his way of getting round it. When it arrived, I wrote and said money safely here, please say thank you to (spirit) for me. He wrote back, don't thank me, it came out of her funds, tell her. So I did and said (stupidly) it had been arranged which launched into a tirade of why didn't he use his own money and not mine and what did he want it for and so on and so on ... until suddenly she said 'I don't know why I am making a mountain out of a molehill over this, his arrangements, his needs, forget it.' That is what will happen with all this, too. Give it time.
  • Sorry to hear about the over-reaction, Rosalie.
  • Hopefully common sense will restore itself soon. And everyone will think and realise.
    (It isn't very nice giving a present to everyone else in the family and leaving one person out.)
  • edited December 2008
    Update - things are a little better. My partner, bless him, has (rather grudgingly) admitted he may have been partially (0.5% ?!?) to blame. I managed to attempt an explanation to step-d and we had a quick hug. But as always it felt like me apologising to her, with not a hint of reciprocation. Ah well... [wry smile - don't know how to do the appropriate smiley...]

    Sorry to hijack your thread, Lexia. Hope things are okay with you.
  • Hope you all survived Christmas. Sorry to hear about your husband Kayetanne. Fingers crossed that something good turns up for him soon. Rosalie, I am a step-parent too and can certainly understand the dilemmas of negotiating that tricky ground. I had a nice Christmas Day and Boxing Day, but am glad it's all over and life can get back to normal. There's too much build-up to Christmas, that's what really gets on my nerves. Looking forward to New Year now.
  • Thanks Lily.

    Yes it's the build up that really gets to me too and it all goes so quickly.
  • No hi jacking Rosalie - just glad things are a "little better" with you and yours.

    Anyway - time to put this thread to bed (bring it out next year maybe, when we can all have a good laugh about what misery gut's some of us were ! ;) )

    Am off to look for the New Year threads now ! xx
  • Hi lexia, you've prompted me to come back to tb as i feel just like you. I'm still looking at a pile of christmas cards to post.hmmm festive spirit seems to be lacking somewhat.

    I'm going to look forward to starting 2009 as somehow it feels rather 'cleansing' (which is daft really i know its just another day).

    This is one reason i love TB and all who frequent (or lurk as is their want)- you know that at any given time there is someone who will understand.
  • Good to see you back, Amanda :)
  • Hope all is well Amanda.
  • Hope 2009 brings you all much happiness.
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