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Blog Updates



  • D for Drafts in the A-Z Blogging Challenge

  • I've put two posts up today, this one to acknowledge my friends on the forum.

  • That's really nice, PBW. :)
  • Latest in the twitter impersonation saga (apparently it's OK with Twitter for someone ot pretend to be me)

  • I've just retweeted for you.
  • Me too, and I've commented. Never mind Rosalie - worse things happen on Facebook!
  • A post about Rosalie's Twitter doppleganger...

  • Are you Alone in this World?

  • E is for endings:

  • Have updated the resource section of my blog with a podcast with literary agent Lucy Luck amongst other things that you might find useful - http://ramblingsofafrustratedcrimewriter.blogspot.com/p/fantastic-sources-for-fiction-writer.html

    If anything, what she says shows that there is no such thing as a standard submission to an agent. For example, she doesn't want to see a synopsis initially and wants to see the first 3 chapters first.
  • F is for foreshadowing:

  • Read the instructions

  • Wish my life came with instructions.
  • Baggy Books haven't you updated your blog since December?
  • A-Z blogging challenge:

    G is for Genre

  • E-G... or G-E depending on which way you look at it - in the A to Z challenge


    And a post about my lack of recent writing - and what I plan to do about it

  • Two blogs in one day - just to get me back on track with the A-Z Challenge!

    F is for failure


    G is for Googling Yourself

  • The same as ttofee, only slightly different.

    Four days to go!


    Three days to go!

  • [quote=bored_robots]F is for foreshadowing:
    You're good at this alphabet business, Steven - I'm finding myself going back to you to see what you'll come up with next ...
  • PS I still can't make my photo appear in that little photogallery of followers! can't understand why not - have tried all the suggestions about being signed in etc. So sorry, Ttofee, you've got a blank face following you!
  • A simple piece about storage for research...

  • Ceka, the photo you used, was it from your computer photos, or did you put it on from somewhere like Photobucket?
  • edited April 2011
    [quote=ceka]I still can't make my photo appear in that little photogallery of followers![/quote]

    I have that problem too - even though I have a photo on blogger that appears next to my comments it doesn't appear when I'm a follower.

    I think it is something to do with Google - you have to add it separately... or something like that, I really don't understand it
  • I know I had to add my photo to the first blog I clicked to follow (I'd added the photo to my blog). It then appeared on the followers bit on blogs where I'd previously just shown up as a silhouette.
  • There do seem to have been picture problems recently, see- http://blogging.nitecruzr.net/

    It may be too technical for you Ceka, but perhaps one of our clever techie TB's will understand what it all means...
  • That's for pictures uploaded within a post, Carol. Doesnt apply to profile pics, sorry.
  • Thanks BR.
    I can follow some of those posts but some are over my head.
  • Part 2 of sentence structure - clauses, conjunctions rhythm and pace etc


    Flash fiction, short stories and poetry

  • H for Help in the A-Z Blogging Challenge - thank goodness tomorrow is a day off!

  • [quote=Carol]was it from your computer photos, or did you put it on from somewhere like Photobucket?[/quote]
    It originally came from the computer - does this make much difference?
    Chippy and I are watching and waiting to learn!
  • [quote=Carol]It may be too technical for you Ceka[/quote]
    How well you know me!
  • [quote=ceka]It originally came from the computer - does this make much difference?[/quote]
    I don't know if it does unfortunately.
    I loaded my picture from my photos (on my computer) onto photobucket and then linked from there and haven't had any problems.
  • Just sneaking in before the deadline:

    H is for hyperbole

  • Nine new shorts for your delectation...

  • [quote=bored_robots]H is for hyperbole[/quote]

    I enjoyed this post.
  • Two days left...


    ONE day left!

  • Rejection - it happens to us all.

  • Yandex-ru are on the trawl again...

  • BR

    Love the pic of the turkey :)

    also, am enjoying your A-Z series.
  • edited April 2011
    [quote=ceka]Chippy and I are watching and waiting to learn! [/quote]

    I have managed to get my photo to appear in the followers bit!

    Of course for me it was more complicated than it should be. On my home computer if I click follow with Google Friend Connect rather than clicking follow at the top of the page it tries to through me out of Google.
    (I think it is to do with my choice of browser).
    So when I come across blogs like that I write them down and add them to my subscriptions at work.

    Which means it also asked me if I wanted to edit my photo.

    It was more complicated for me because I didn't have the photo on my work computer - I had to save my profile picture to the computer and then add it.
  • It's live and its happened!

  • I is for infodump


    Sundays are now my favourite day as I don't have to cram a useful blog post in with everything else!! Bah, why did I sign up for this!!
  • Only 17 days to go BR...:)
  • At least you came up with a topic for today - the link between my post and the letter 'I' is practically non existent!


    but my random quote for this week is from Indiana Jones so that is a slightly stronger link with the letter 'I'.
  • http://carol-bevitt.blogspot.com/2011/04/colour-and-me.html

    blossom and words to describe white...
  • More bragging about sucess and free to enter writing comps on the last couple of posts. http://patsy-collins.blogspot.com/
  • br keep going - I too am enjoying a day of rest from blogging on a Sunday but at least this is making me write something 6 days a week!

    Today its I for Ideas

  • Another year older.

  • Happy Birthday, FT !
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