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What's the weather like there?



  • Raining again.
  • Managed a spot of sun bathing. 

  • After a wet start it's been a lovely day.
  • Sunny for most of the day. Breezy.
  • Been quite comfortable this evening, and the wind has died down a lot.
  • the sun is finally out, unfortunately I'm stuck indoors working
  • edited June 17
    The odd grey cloud here and there, but dry for now with only a slight breeze.
  • bit grey again
  • Not rained but is an interesting shade of grey. 
  • Thunderstorms are on the way- apparently.

  • And as we speak, I can hear thunder! Or perhaps it's a plane approaching Gatwick.
  • Warmed up this afternoon, but clouds are lurking.
  • lovely and sunny and blue this morning, now the clouds have appeared
  • Sunny and quite warm. I could have left the light jacket at home.
  • Glorious day - since getting home after the charity shop I have been wearing shorts!
  • edited June 22
    Raining in the bus. Yus! Early this morning I climbed aboard and explained, 
       "It's market day." Driver smiled and nodded so I advanced carrying a 20 X 16 inch tray half full of water and full of nine 3oz bunches of parsley. After placing the tray on the luggage-shelf four and a half feet from the floor I went to show the machine my card. 
        "At least your doing something right," driver replied when I told him the stall-holder had agreed to receive another delivery.
         Tout va bien until driving uphill he took the Hinderclay corner ... un peu trop vite. You've guessed! Tray slid, water splashed like a torrent onto the vehicle floor and coursed along the broad windowsill! After mopping, ineffectually, with a pocket tissue I spent the remaining 15 miles apologizing and warning passengers of the slippery floor.

  • Oops.
  • Next time put the wet bunches in a plastic bag, not on a tray. Just a thought!
  • Hello, Carol and Lizy. Thanks for the comments. I think roots need to be in water, if poss. A local said he'd drive me to town. Tray containing less water for the parsley could stand in the boot. 
  • I have brought home plants from NI in my luggage by using the plastic bag method. Or a plastic bottle cut in half then sellotaped shut with a plant inside wrapped in damp kitchen roll.
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