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edited April 2008 in - Writing Problems
Hi this is just a general query but I would like to know where you get the motivation to write and keep it going through out your writing only I have the ideas, I just lack the spirit that all any suggestions would be welcome.


  • Hi magic15. I am currently writing a novel and have set myself a target of between 500 and 1000 words per day, or a chapter a week. I edit the previous day's work before writing some more, and this helps me keep the momentum. At the outset I had a loose outline of what was going to happen. I think the only way to find out what motivates you is to jump in and give it a try. Deadlines and targets can help you stay focussed, but everyone is different in what they can demand from themselves.
  • You have to try different methods, and see what works for you. When I was more restricted for writing time I set a particular day when I would have x number of hours that would be for writing- whatever it was.
    Now I set a particular project for the time I have, as sometimes other stuff has priority (general life stuff) so I go for something realistic.
  • I don't know how, sheer stubborness is a part of it I guess!

    Seriously though, I think the thing that has kept me going with my novel is the story and being in love with my characters. I suppose part of my determination comes from my personality. My parents struggled financially when I was little, and I remember standing in a queue to cash my Mam's benefits when I was about 12 and swore that I would do whatever it takes not to fall into that cycle. That's how I can manage a full time degree, part-time job and writing career all at once! I know there is a really big pay off on the horizon.

    Saying that I'm on the umpteenth draft of my novel, and for the first time I've hit that hurdle at the 10,000 words.
  • I've written all my life but seriously and professionally for nearly 30 years, next year is the anniversary of my writing a short story accepted by a fanzine, which set me on the path to all kinds of writing, paid and otherwise. It's a compulsion. No other word for it. If I can't write, I hurt.
  • HI Magic15, be at the same place, same time each day, write approx 500-1000 words, print out and edit before starting next day and having a deadline to work to is what works for me.

  • Hi, Phil. Write those ideas down. Decide why you want to write. Try to write something everyday. There's no need to change your life radically to accommodate your writing - 100 words a day soon adds up, and shouldn't take you more than half an hour. Best of luck.
  • half and hour yes, as long as you don't write in shaped capitals and choose to colour them in as you go.
  • As several others have said, I set myself a target every day (or every weekday in my case). Mine is 1000 words but this is not important. What matters is to write those words, however you feel. Even if you think you're writing c**p, get them done. Some days it'll flow, others it'll be agony. Do it anyway.
  • As Jay says, try to write something every day, whether it's a poem or a few random thoughts which you can use some time in an article. If you're writing a novel, read through what you've
    written the day before, then try to add anything from 100 - 1000 words.
  • edited April 2008
    my motivation was hating the world and the people in it :) that's why it's so hard to write nowadays! used to reel off books every evening *sniffs sadly* used to get such revenge on all the popular girls that way..
  • Have to agree with the revenge motive. I think my biggest dream is to have the respect of the north east and have them say 'oh, you know she was born and bred in Newcastle.'
  • I even convince myself that writing on TB counts, well, it's all practice innit?
  • But of course! :-)
  • I hope so!
  • Practice for what? To be a good procrastinator?
  • Now, there's some practicing I know how to do! In fact, It's my middle name. Diana Procrastinator Wolff......
  • Can anyone find the word procrastinator in a dictionary?

    I can only find procrastinate, procrastinating, and procrastination.

    This is my procrastination for today !! (so don't give me an answer too quickly, people ) :)
  • It's in 'Chambers', Lexia.
    From the Latin 'pro' meaning 'onward' and 'crastinus' meaning 'of tomorrow'.
    Yes, I've joined the 'Procrastinator's Club' too! :-)
  • oh thanks meg (said half heartedly) I said don't be too fast with the answer!! GGRR ! :)

    Now I have to procrastinate with something else...............
  • as the saying goes: "never put off till tomorrow what you can put off till the day after.."
  • Have you seen the 'Writuals' thread on this site from a week or so back. it might help.
  • Oh, by the way: Motivation! Ehhhh, a deadline. I never keep it if it's my own, but if it's an external one it helps.
  • Thanks Davaaris, I'd missed that one and it was interesting. Isn't it amazin how we love to know about wtirer's lives, when so much of it is actually sitting on your bottom on your own in a little room (if you're lucky), with the highlights of the day being cups of coffee and the post arriving?

    (magic15, you must ignore all that - writing is the most exciting thing you can do and you should be leaping into your desk chair to spend as many hours as you can at the computer.;) )
  • My highlight of the day is the postman, bringing me my first cup of coffee of the day. Work that one out!!!!
  • Your postman is a delivery boy for Starbucks..?
  • Oo Dora, you've got one of them postmen, have you? (leery wink)
  • To Highland Midge :) (accompanied by a winky leer)
  • Now there's one strange postman! I don't even get a hello out of mine! Was it good coffee?
  • Mine hasn't appeared at all today. Was it something I said?
  • HM, lol, that depends on what you said! You didn't ask him to go and get you a coffee did you?
  • Think maybe he heard about my nudge-nudge, wink-wink remark to Dora. Also I put a very annoying character in one of my stories who happened to be a postman. Sorry Postie, come back, I miss you! (And bring a double Americano with cold milk while you're about it.)
  • *laughs* There's a lesson there somewhere...
  • He came - hooray!

    He brought a bill ( and no coffee) - boo!
  • *laughs* inconsiderate postman!
  • So all our postmen have come today. Group hug :) :) :) :)
  • Hey - just a thought: Are you married to a postman, Dora?
  • erm, why DianaW?
  • Public humiliation. I only lost weight when I joined weightwatchers - because I knew others would be watching me get weighed every week. Just wanting to do it was not enough to make me tough on myself. It had to be public. Same with writing. I started writing my monthly WF Barbados or Bust column knowing that if I set myself a writing target and told everyone about it, I would have to do it or admit to thousands that I had failed. So, tell everyone you are going to write a novel/sell ten stories in a year/ win a poetry competition, or whatever, then you have to give it your best shot... or look a prat!
  • I love the column Viv, keep it up!
  • edited April 2008
    I enjoy your column too Viv.

    Not sure it would work with me.
    I think it would just make me feel depressed and negative about my chances of completing.
  • Just try to write at least 500 words a day, and don't get dragged into stupid off-topic subjects on talkeback such as spiritual healing, stupid jokes, etc...
  • why not, Candy? Don't you like lightness in your day?
  • Not if it detracts me from my writing.
  • Coming on TB is a distraction from writing. That surely doesn't stop you enjoying the jokes and learning something along the way.
  • As I have just written on another thread - Candy , why are you so negative towards people? We are here to support each other are we not? OK me and dorothy ( or should that be dorothy and I ?) had a bit of a spat the other day - but we sorted it out there and then.
    What's your problem?
  • I try to write at least 500 words a day (during the week) 1000 on a good day, 250 when my head hurts or I'm stressed. At the weekend anything is good!!
  • I write because I have to. It is a personality thing. I am an introvert personality type in as much as I do my thinking in my head. THe piece of paper I write on just becomes an extension of this. It's not easy to explain but I have done it all my life. Sometimes I am more organised about it than others, sometimes people and real life gets in the way. 'I am therefore I write'.
  • I find a lot of irony in my inspirtion. It usually begins as an awful experience; something I struggle with. It's the process of struggling with the situation that goads me to write. I'm currently writing a series of stories about demons...I ran into some people who annoyed me greatly but seemed oblivious to how much they annoyed me. One day, poof! My main characters popped into my head, fully formed, and started talking. I just work hard to keep up with them...
  • This says 1 to 49, but none of the comments is visible - although they might be when I post this!
  • Yep, all visible :)
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