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Funny how I find myself in love with you

edited May 2008 in - Writing Problems
Well it is funny isn't it? How being in love changes a person's character.


  • You get used to it after a time. :D
  • oh, Dora. I didn't know you cared....
  • What do you get used to Carol? Being in love?
  • How does being in love change a person's character, dora? I don't think it does....elaborate please !
  • Doesn't a kind of chemical hormonal thing take over your brain when you're in love? It blinds you to all sorts. Apparently it lasts two years (at the most) and then starts to wear off. Too late - you're married and stuck with each other! Just joking, of course.
  • I'm still in love after 23 years of marriage. I am mad, though. :rolleyes:
  • edited May 2008
    I think I am too - still in love, that is, after over 20 years of marriage. I know I'm mad - so you could be too, FT:)

    Actually, I think after many years, it becomes a different kind of in love. And, if you're lucky, that type remains.
  • I am "in love" and also "love" my husband. With my ex , who I was married to for 24 years, I was in love for almost all that time, but when I realised I wasn't "in love" with him anymore, thats when the split began. I don't believe that you can stop loving someone that you have loved - if you do, you didn't love them in the first place (this is just my view of course!) As you say Daisy, sometimes it becomes a different type of love. Then there's how you do you define it? Everyone probably has a different meaning for their love. But I am sure that REAL love is everlasting - I dared in one mad moment to say this to my husband (curent, sounds like I am going to have some more, but I am not !) and luckily, he agreed with me. :) Still don't think it changes your character though, just changes how your emotions.
  • Post script (again)
    Daisy, theres a book by a certain Mr Mandal called "A different Kind of Love" ! But I think it's another different to the different you mean ;)
  • Hmm, lexia, so if you act on emotions that didn't exist before you were in love, you character will have changed, because you wouldn't have done these things before.
  • Ah what is love after 24 years- well 26 considering we were together for a couple of years before the wedding.
    You just get so used to loving them you don't consider another man. :)
    Okay it doesn't stop you looking;)
  • Point taken dora.... will have to ponder on that a while longer ;)
  • love definitely changed me. before i was in love i was insistent that i'd never want my driving license, mostly cos i was afraid after being knocked by a car. My bf got me brave enough to start learning and to pass the test first time. He also taught me to be unafraid to be afraid, and to feel what is worth feeling when before I pretty much had honestly deadened myself to the idea of being in love because everyone had taught me to believe that i was ugly, uncool and stupid.
  • 23 years flying tart? Are you really still in love? And yes, of course I care darling.

    TessaD: he taught you "to feel what is worth feeling." Hmm, that sounds good to me.
  • What is love? :-(
  • Love is caring for someone more than you care for yourself. It's still feeling happy and excited when the person comes in after being away even for a day, perhaps. It is wanting always to
    hold hands with your other half, not just out of habbit, but because you get a warm feeling when you walk hand in hand and feel incomplete when you don't. I've been married almost 52
    years and am still in love with my husband and, I hope, he is still in love with me. I can't ask him at the moment, as he had a small operation on his back this afternoon and, as he was in
    pain, he went to bed early and is asleep, while I had a lot of work to do and have just managed to come on to TB after midnidght, for some relaxation!
  • edited May 2008
    Loving someone and being in love is different than just thinking you love someone and thinking you are in love. People say, "you've got to work at your relationship" but from my own experience, when you find your true soulmate, it comes easily and you don't really have to work at it all that much. I'm not saying you won't have any problems, tough times or stress, I'm just saying it doesn't seem like hard work when you're both going through it together. And although each of you has your own opinions, thoughts etc., and you may sometimes disagree, in the long term you usually think along the same lines and have the same goals anyway so it happens without a great deal of effort.
    (Well, that's what I think anyway)
  • In the words of John Otway:

    Science tells us love's a chemical reaction in the brain
    So let me be your Bunsen burner, let me be your naked flame! ;-)
  • (Thanks Dora, I need some love today actually - much appreciated! :-))

    I have to echo IG's post. Something odd happened when I met my husband. Call it soul mate or whatever, but I think it could be past life connections, or something. We just clicked and I knew he was the one. A moment of recognition that I can't explain. It's nothing to do with physical attraction - I've had crushes and it's nothing like that. And of course you can look at other men, Carol, or I'm in big trouble! ;-)
  • :)
    I know what you mean FT, I liked hubby as a person before we started going out together. It was after we had been dating two weeks that that click moment happened, and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.
  • edited May 2008
    Verica - Hope your husband feels better by now. Do let him read your post!
  • Yes, hope your husband is more comfortable today.
  • Amboline - John Otway seems to have it all worked out
  • Verica, sending Good Thoughts your way for your husband's speedy recovery.
  • From Twelfth Night:

    What is love? 'tis not hereafter;
    Present mirth hath present laughter;
    What's to come is still unsure:
    In delay there lies no plenty;
    Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty,
    Youth's a stuff will not endure.
  • A good friend of mine used to say: "Soul friends meet when they need each other. The souls have already met (because they transcend time) and just bring 'their' people together when the time is right."

    It can apply to lots of the most formative people in our lives, but especially to partners.
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