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Do you ever find you just don't have time to write?

edited November 2008 in - Writing Problems
I've been suffering a writing problem for the last few weeks and it's to do with time. I just don't seem to have any time. I try my hardest to manage my day so that I can at least have 2 hours in the evening to read back over what I've previously written and add more but it doesn't happen like that. Little problems crop up or I think that I could just work for a little while on a project from work and it cuts into my writing time.

Even on my days off time seems to fly by so quickly. I never seem to get the chance to sit down, open up the novel I am writing and dedicate a reasonable amount of time to it. Does anyone else sometimes feel like they have this problem? Sometimes I find it hard to believe that there are still 24 hours in a day because it feels much less. I don't blame my time on the Internet for this lack of time for writing because the Internet has always been a large part of my life and previously I could always write even when attending to my Internet duties.

I'm in no hurry to finish this novel and I knew when I started writing it that I couldn't spend more than a couple of hours a day on it but I'm not even getting that.

Anyway, just felt like a little rant about my lack of time and wondered if anyone else has gone through this or is going through it.


  • Lack of time - not so much. Lack of time where I wouldn't feel I ought to be doing something else - big time. Even though Xinran has offered to show my novel round to agents. I *must* make time, if I can't find any. I'm terrible for staying up late (as in early hours), so I really have no excuse, especially as all I have to do now is put the handmarked edits on screen.
  • All the time, Misty, all the time.

    I shut a door and lock myself in a room, close my eyes and focus as hard as I can. Eventually it comes, but sometimes it takes an hour or so.
  • I have the same problem, Misty. Unfortunately with the added hindrance of having never mastered the art of time management. It sounds awful, but kids and shifts don't help my cause, making it virtually impossible to get into a routine. Although a big chunk of my motivation is to be successful for the kids...catch 22.
    Writing is a discipline and the likes of you and I can only but endeavour to learn and strive towards mastering the discipline, which obviously includes improving our time management. It can be done if you're determined. However, sacrifices will have to be made and better personal organistaion is a must (says, Col, talking to himself as much as anyone else!)
    I have to just pinch an hour here and there, but as a friend once said to me: 'A little a lot.'
    So keep plugging away and you'll get there...eventually!
  • Yes, I'm going through one of those stages now. I'm dealing with a lot of family issues at the moment, technology glitches, and other obligations I can't avoid, so my mind is not in writing mode, but it is in thinking learning mode instead.
    Everyone is different, and some, like RichardS, can squeeze the work out eventually.
    I also think women feel more guilt about grabbing that time.
    Don't worry it's normal :)
  • Lack of time most of the time and then, when there are a few hours spare, procrastination sets in and inspiration deserts me. There are so many non-fiction ideas milling around in my head, but I start reading stuff I'd already written and get sidetracked. I wonder how I ever had time to go to work and cater for a family? Sometimes, also, the lure of TB wins.
  • Phew! Nice to know that I am not alone with this. Sometimes I feel a sense of panic that I am not getting any writing done. I think I just have to be firmer with those who distract me too.

    Thanks for the replies. :)
  • Finding time to write is a constant problem.
  • Hello Misty

    My only suggestion to you is that you try to use dead time ie waiting for a bus, at the dentist, travelling on a train, etc rather than expecting big blocks of time in which to do the business. It's one of the main ways I manage, 10 mins here and there in between housework I have a notebook and every so often go jot down in it, then go back to my household chore. I do have some chunks of time that I could write but like Carol says, feel I should be doing something else, feel guilty. Why not try yourself, 10 mins here and there, you may find it grows into twenty, thirty mins after time, once you get going.

    Good luck.
  • That's a good idea dora.
  • You think so Stan? Good. Though it's probably something to do with not being able to concentrate, or sit still, for too long at one time.
  • On a train today, I was thinking of an idea for another book.
  • Do you think you will continue with the idea?
  • Well, it's been in the back of my mind for a while. Now I need to start getting these thoughts and ideas on to the computer. It's non-fiction and biblical, so some research demanded and some pulling together material I already have based on sermons.
  • Good luck.
  • Thanks dora.
  • Hi Stan - make it a reality.
    You already have an audience awaiting your masterpiece :)
  • Time to write....ah, if only there was such a thing for me any more. I have the ideas, but now my time is spent in class, sleeping, working, doign homework, doing case studies, running the local writing group, looking after my mother when she comes home in evenings and weekends. It barely leaves me time to live, let alone write.
  • I agree it is all normal too, Misty. I feel like that often, and the evenings after work seem to fly by. I really like Dora's idea of grabbing 10 minutes here and there. I should try that - thanks Dora!
  • Try not aiming for that two hour slot but half an hour, fifteen minutes, they will add up more than attempting a two hour slot and not achieving it. It works, believe me. Henry told me he would be able to work if I gave him just half an hour a day. We did more than that at the weekend to compensate for my not being there (in front of the computer) Sunday and Monday.
  • Dorothy & Dora,
    A theme is developing here...
    Like I said...'A little, a lot!'
  • My whole life feels like this - it is not that I don't have the time so much, more that I don't have the time to write what I want. What I mean by this is that I spend my time writing the stuff I have to - for the newsletter that I edit for example, and this is what leaves no time for my own stuff. What with working four days a week, looking after the house, and the newsletter, it's a wonder sometimes I have any time at all. I could do with a month on Lundy !
  • Only a suggestion Author Online, but perhaps could you try to ensure one of the days you're not working to be for the newsletter, one for writing and one for housework?

    My sister uses this method, she'll have certain days for cleaning specific parts of the house and if anybody phoned she'd say she couldn't do this that or the other on that day because it was her day to clean the (whatever). Sounds boring I know, but she has a fantastically clean house of which I am really envious, she cooks wonderfully exciting meals and she has a good social life.

    Sometimes, achieving what you want is all about being organised, making plans and sticking to them. I'm sure those of you with children, or other people's lives to organise, know exactly what I mean. Also, if you think of writing as sort of like being on an educational course. Theres a schedule of when to start, there is specific content to be covered, and there is a completion date.

    Target time for a specific activity, in my sister's case, cleaning. In your case, your own writing, newsletter and housework. Arrange with yourself to write for whatever, 10 mins, or 45 mins, or two hours on a certain date - and most importantly, keep to it.

    Helen - hope the 10 minute tip thing works for you.
  • I can sympathise. I only work a couple of days a week but do extra hours on a voluntary basis, have had family problems with ill family members then their funerals and finally I'm slipping towards a relapse with my ME so am in pain and constantly exhausted. What with parents evenings and genearl running about goes with a family I have done very little. Even my entry for the one word challenge wasn't properly edited and I made a couple of mistakes in it. I can understand perfectly the need to tell people how frustrated you feel but judging from other people response I think it is just an unfortunate part of a writers life, not much consolation I know. Sometime life just gets in the way of writing. I've got the house to myself for most of Wednesday and Thursday for the first time in weeks and intend to make the most of it but I can almost guarantee I'll get visitors or one the kids will be off school ill or something. I hope that things improve for you soon.
  • Sorry to hear about your Me Gina. Have you tried the new spray vit B12? Friend has Me swears by it. Not the answer for all I suspect.

    I have real problems writing the moment. Husband has a big project which takes a lot of space and if he's at home he continually asks questions and fusses around.

    I need at least a couple of days thinking and research on one subject to even start writing some rubbish to turn into better stuff. (Poetry!) It takes hours just sitting concentrating and getting into that space. I just don't get that time at the moment.

    i also need a deadline to make me HAVE to get into that space even when it's possible. I've re-written one thing, no two... in the last two months. I've spent a lot of time here. Maybe it's time not to spend so much time here!
  • Thinking of you Gina.
  • Thanks Lizb and stan2. Haven't heard about vit b12 spray but will look into it. I've suffered on and off for 10 years so I know what I'm in for but it doesn't make it any better. Managed to get a bit of research done today and hopefully will manage a bit more done.
  • Phew and there I was thinking I was the only one. Misty I have five kids, one is severly disabled, I work full time shifts some weeks six days on and two off not to mention trying to fit in all the other stuff and I get so frustrated I have all these ideas in my head, I want to do a really good job of writing my book but need to find a way to fit it all in. I also need a laptop just for me one without the internet so the kids won't want to use it the last one I bought has been abducted by my teenagers and I have to use my son's computer which he's managed to wipe clean of all his windows programs except internet explorer (wow rant over feel so much better!!)
  • LizB, can you write outside? Or in another room? Gina, sorry to hear the ME is giving you pain.
  • Worth trying Dora - a lot of the time I am at the mercy of others though, especially when I have news stories to follow up or people to go and interview, as there may be only certain days that they are available. The other problem is people not sticking to the copy deadline - I think I am going to bring it forward from 18th to 15th, to give me more time to get things done each month. Things should start to get easier now I am settling into my new job anyway, which involves working most weekends, as I will have more time in the week to do these other things.

    Everyone now seems to lead such busy lives, rushing here, there and everywhere and not going anywhere at all.

    Sorry to hear about the ME Gina, and hope you manage to get some help and pain relief. I know several people who have suffered from this over the years, and it is not the easiest thing to have to live with.
  • me to I am try to find the time to write another problem I have is trying to put myself in the mood to write, so I was wondering if you had any suggestions on this subject, I have done my homework and read lots of books on writing some that I am going to renew this week I just would like to know how I can make a start and put pen to paper as I tend to get nervous when I want to and this usally puts me of so I would welcome your ideas. I have been reading a lot too.
  • http://www.writersnews.co.uk/writers_talkback/comments.php?DiscussionID=108592&page=1#Item_23

    you may find this thread useful. :)
  • Carol, I don't think links to Talkback are working properly.
  • and does anyone know where Misty is?
  • The tips here are good about how to find enough time to write. I've found that though i have hardly any time left to write, i find i can get some writing done just prior to holding the local writing group meeting and actually during the meeting itself (i like running writing games and challenges).
    I'm hoping in the summer to get a whole lot of time to write. In the meantime i've bought a whole lot of new and secondhand books to read and just relax and read a book each night then read through old drafts tweaking mistakes.
  • edited February 2009
    Thanks Jay, didn't realise it was still playing up, as I clicked on one yesterday without any problem.
    Yes, just tried and it's rolling the page. Perhaps he can copy and paste it.
  • I try to write something every day, even if it's just a short paragraph. I think if you stop writing altogether it's always harder to get back into a routine with it.
  • I had given up even trying due to all the added pressures with my dad and other stuff, but I am now starting to get myself back into some semblance of normal, I wrote something last week and have had a couple of new ideas with existing characters so I'm hoping to get back on track, having stopped beating myself up about it.
  • [quote=dorothyd]and does anyone know where Misty is? [/quote]

    hopefully, off using her time, to write.
  • You need to find a Writing Routine:
    This is mine.

    A quiet room, no tv nor radio chatter,
    Comfy clothes and a mug of coffee.
    Word is on, the Internet cannot be.
    Diary.doc is the first I open, to whine about writing
    Or make up recipes for tea.
    Naturally I have a thought, then am inspired to open my novel
    Or current piece I'm writing.
    If I only have an hour or two,
    There's bugger all except research I can do.
    For me, my writing routine, means a pre-9am start
    And a whole day ahead.
    I switch the tv on every 45 minutes for a 10 minute reward
    Or stick my head in the fridge for fruit or chocolate.
    Repeat until about 3/4 pm where I then do
    All the other things I'm expected to do.
  • I like the line about sticking your head in the fridge though I tend to stick mine in the gas oven.

    Very good poem and very good you. Well done.
  • Welcome to TB and thanks for that, it's good.
  • Welcome!

    Sticking head in fridge is no good for waistline.
    Sticking head in gas oven no good for lifeline.

  • Thanking thee, was going to write (my usual) prose, but wondered what it'd be like in poetry form.

    Stan - very astute comments. Unless you're sticking your head in the fridge for choc, or the oven to check the roast chicken's ready ;)
  • Ah Dudess!
  • [quote=Dudess]Unless you're sticking your head in the fridge for choc[/quote]
    Freudian slip there; I meant fruit, obviously! Would never have that Weightwatchers choc rubbish in my fridge!
  • are you sure about that ... maybe you are. My chocolate doesn't exist long enough to get into the fridge, let alone me going there to look for it...
  • Mr Dudess has me thinking that choc tastes better straight from the fridge, especially buttons and easter eggs. Funny how we go for them before the fruit too.
  • I find it hard to write sometimes , but then I read interviews where bestselling authors write about their daily routine. Some of them have full-time jobs, partners, children, etc, but still find the time to write successfully! That makes me feel really guilty, and very lazy!:( I suppose the truth is that if you really want to do something, you'll create the space.
  • I feel the same caro somtimes i have time but it slips away if the writing dosnt flow my best ideas come when am busy at work and dont have time to write them down.
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