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Just had some feedback from an editor

edited January 2009 in - Writing Tales
Excuse me if this sounds like boasting, but I have to share the good things about writing with you folks, because you're the ones who understand.

The editor in question has published a few of my travel features in her in-flight magazine and I have a good relationship with her.
I spoke to her this afternoon to catch up with which of my pieces have or haven't been published plus one or two ideas I wanted to pitch.
She was enthusiastic. She's sending me copies of magazines from last year containing my articles, plus she's publishing my Las Vegas/Grand Canyon piece next month - she actually praised this piece, saying how much she liked my photograhs! - Wow! Praise from an editor! Still recovering from the shock. :)
Plus she's sending me copies of other in-flight magazines that she edits (this was news to me) so that I can look at the style because she'd like me to write for them too.
All in all a very satisfying conversation!


  • Great news! Well done.
  • You've obviously found your niche, Claudia. Well done and congratulations! :D
  • That's great news Claudia you must be feeling well chuffed.
  • Wow! That is very impressive. Well done!!
  • Well done, Claudia. That's fabulous!
  • Wahay, that's the sort of conversation you have in your dreams...are you absolutely sure you were awake????!!!!!

    Well done!
  • Great stuff, Claudia, keep on pitching! Sounds like you're building such a good relationship with the ed, soon she'll be coming to you with pieces she wants you to write.
  • That's wonderful Claudia, you have clearly found your market. Good luck with the other magazines too.
  • Congratulations - enjoy your success
  • Well done, Claudia!
  • Yes, well done Claudia. But please, please keep writing the fiction too. Some of the stuff you have written for One Word Challenge has been superb. It would be such a shame to see it pushed aside by the travel writing.
  • Oh yes, do keep on with the fiction, that is good too.
  • well done, Claudia. I'm glad for you.
    Keep writing the fiction.
  • Ah shucks - thanks everyone - really appreciate your encouraging words. I'll try to keep the fiction up too, but must confess I find it much harder to write - especially longer stories.
  • That's great news, Claudia!!
  • brilliant news for my morning, thanks for letting us know! Some people find a perfect niche, with your travelling and your ability to both write and capture it on film, you cannot go wrong, can you?
  • well done Claudia, it's always great to hear of others good fortune.
  • Good news, Claudia. Great when editors start asking you to work for them rather than just sending items on spec. You obviously have just the right touch.
  • This is wonderful news, Claudia, well done!
    I hope this is the start of a wonderful year for you.
  • Well Done!
  • Great news well done.
  • Congratulations, and it doesn't sound like boasting at all. It's great to hear of your success. Keep it up.
  • Well done!
  • Great, Claudia. How nice to feel wanted by an editor. Keep running with it.
  • Well done Claudia!
  • Great news - well done. Hope it's given you a lovely lift for 2009!
  • Well done, Ma'am!
  • Just to bring you up to date:

    [quote=claudia]She's sending me copies of magazines from last year containing my articles[/quote]
    [quote=claudia]Plus she's sending me copies of other in-flight magazines that she edits (this was news to me) so that I can look at the style because she'd like me to write for them too.[/quote]

    I finally received a package of magazines from her and was stunned to see no less than three of my features contained in one issue. How thrilled was I to see that?

    I'm now going to go away and study the sample magazines in order to get some stuff written for them too while I'm in this editor's good books! I may not have much time for talkback for a while... :)
  • Well done, Claudia. Get crackin' :)
  • Excellent! :)
  • Ooh, great news Claudia.
  • Brilliant! Strike while the iron's hot.
  • Isn't she paying you?
  • Great news Claudia.
  • edited February 2009
    Well done Claudia! That's not just praise for your work, it's a real endorsement being asked to expand your contribution.
  • How great, to see your work in print unexpectedly.
  • edited February 2009
    [quote=LizB]Isn't she paying you? [/quote]

    Most certainly! When I returned to Fiji and checked my bank statement I knew that I'd been paid for three articles; I didn't know they'd been all featured in the same issue. It's amazing to see three pieces, complete with my photographs all together in one magazine.

    One was a feature about our local marinas, another about an adventure cruise that I went on last year, and the third was a re-written piece about an island in the Maldives that had been hit by the 2004 asian tsunami; I interviewed the manager and told his story of that fateful day... (a piece I'm frankly very proud of and glad it got another airing).
  • That's really great news Claudia.
  • Aaaah! I was worried when you said you hadn't seen the magazines... brilliant. Presumably you can photocopy it and send it to show other magazines when you suggest an article?
  • Claudia a really big well done from me!
  • that is sooooooo good!
  • Claudia,
    Nice one...or two...or three...?
  • Claudia, congratulations on your success. However, a few words of advice: I get the impression that the editor has not yet paid you for your work? You need to follow up each article to see if it has been accepted and get your invocie in straight away. Many reputable publications are going under at the moment and it would be a shame if you lost out after your article has been commissioned.
    Also, check the fee when the editor commissions the article and make sure he/she is not underpaying you = you often need to haggle. You can check on the nuj website where they have a list of what each publication pays.
  • edited February 2009
    Hayley1, welcome to Tb. What do you write? there's a Getting To Know You thread if you've not checked it out, gives you some idea of who we all are and what we do. Me, I'm heavily into history at the present time.
  • Good advice generally Hayley, but Claudia is in Fiji and is not covered by NUJ rates.
  • Hiya Dorothyd, I'll go check out the getting to know you thread. I write fiction and articles for a living and also teach a few adult ed creative writing classes in NW Kent. I love historical writing it's something I'd like to try - if there were enough hours in the day!

    The nuj rates are just a guideline to follow when negotiating a rate - it is also a help to those trying a new publication so they don't undercharge. You don't have to be a member to look at them and writers living in any part of the world should be paid the same money.
  • Interesting work, Hayley, good to have you with us.
    I think you will find Claudia is an experienced writer, she specialises in travel articles. That was just one editor out of many.
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