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Profit from Amazon - or lack of it

edited March 2009 in - Writing Tales
I have put this comment under writing successes because for me it still is a success to have a book on Amazon.
I know this has been discussed on lots of occasions, but I have ( not being of great financial aptitude ) at last worked out how much I am receiving from sales on Amazon. So thought would mention it here.

The book was for sale at £6.99 - it has recently been reduced to £5.59
It costs me 70 -80p to send one book (depending on how much packaging I put around it) and I receive £2.76 per sale.

I think I have said before that with this particular book I did not intend making profit from it - but I may have to with future work.
Shall I change career now or wait a while..... :)


  • Having your book on Amazon is a big thrill for most of us, so well done. Can you provide a link to it for us, Lexia, or at least whisper it to me if you prefer. I'm no expert when it comes to finances, but I don't think a revenue of £2.76 per sale sounds too bad at all.

    Best, Kaz
  • I'm guessing that you take the 70-80p postage off the £2.76 revenue per book - but that still means that each copy earns you, what, around £2? Even after postage, that's around 30% of the book's sale price (roughly - too early in the day for maths!). And if the £2.76 is the amount you get after paying postage, even better! :) I guess it's just a case of volume - all of those £2+ will add up!

    I think that's pretty good - I get 10% royalities on the nett sale price of my book - in other words, I receive 10% of the price my publisher sold the book to bookshops / other retailers / online sellers etc for, not 10% of what a purchaser bought the book for. My royalties are paid annually at the end of March - coming soon, I hope!
  • edited March 2009

    Why whisper when you can yell, Kaz ;)

    Fancy a day out at the end of March, Katy :)
  • Just read an article in the Sunday Express magazine about a cosmetics company. "Representatives get £1 for every £4 worth of goods they sell."

    I think I've found my metier. Ding dong, Avon calling!
  • Their representatives usually wear the products themselves...
    Are you prepared for the full slap? ;)
  • Carol, if I'm wearing slap, does that make me a- Sorry, saucepan boiling over.
  • Hmmm...
  • Have you registered for PLR?
  • Always worth doing, as you never know if a copy of your book is in a library- it may not be now, but another year it might.
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