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Would you believe it?

edited April 2009 in - Reading
Sat down this evening to write for the first time in eight weeks (due to flu; panic attacks; and depression) to find my mind wasn't in the fiction mindset. Over the last week I've written 7500 words in essays; so my mind is set in academic mode!

So I guess it will have to be the synopsis and a re-read to get back in the swing. All those times I was blocked because I didn't know what happened next and here I am knowing exactly what happens and can't!


  • that sounds about right. I have this problem if I have been away from a book, such as the Earl's biography, so I revise and re-read and tinker until the mood comes back. You'll get there.
  • Same here Stirling. I have so many things on the go, my head spins so I have to re-read constantly to get back into the flow. Keep at it.
  • Thanks; thought I was going mad for a moment!

    I have the May 31st deadline for the Yeovil comp so I'll concentrate on the synopsis and polishing my manuscript. Typical - I have my Easter break from Uni next week!
  • It will come, Stirling. Just relax.
    Do you work best when there are tight deadlines? (just an observation).
  • Quite a normal scenario Stirling, don't let yourself get stressed, it will come back.
  • Take a walk with one of your characters and have a chat with him/her. Not out loud, of course. I find that gets me going again. (Apparently I do it while I'm driving too. OH happened to drive past me in his van today and said I was wheeling along, gob open, blethering away. I know I wasn't speaking to the radio because it's not working. Sad, but effective.)
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