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The People's Friend fillers

edited April 2009 in - Writing Tales
Some time ago someone asked how long it takes to get a response from The People's Friend and I mentioned I had sent in some filler items back in 2007 (March to be precise) which had been accepted in November of that year and paid for at the bginning of 2008. I said I assumed they had not been published as I had heard no more. This morning, over 2 years after submission, I received a copy of the magazine dated 9th May 2009 containing one of these pieces -an account of how we used to spend a day on the Royal Pier at Southampton watching the comings and goings of ocean liners when we were children. So not yet available to the public but getting there.

The original question asked how long to wait. My response was "How long is a piece of string?" and on this evidence, very long indeed. Very pleased to see it finally in print though.


  • That's great Wordy- fillers are obviously something that needs to be timeless if it can be two years before they appear.
    Well done.
  • Congratulations Wordy!
  • edited April 2009
    nice one, Wordy! You could try altering it slightly and sending it to Best of British, that is precisely the kind of nostalgic thing they like.
  • congratulations wordy, patience was obviously a virtue!
  • I hope this will give some others who have submitted to TPF encouragement. All things come to those who wait they say.

    Thanks for your suggestion, Dorothy, but I think I had better wait before submitting more to Best of British. I had two pieces published by them in 2005 and since then have sent them occasional items which they have on file, along with the photographs they requested. They now have five pieces on different topics. On the other hand they do have a new editor although she was deputy editor before so probably not sweeping changes to be made.
  • Well done Wordy! :)
  • Congrats, Wordy!
  • Well done Wordy, will look out for it in the issue - I hope the story I sold them will be published soon.
  • Congrats Wordy, I hope the other pieces get published.
  • Thanks for all the good wishes.

    I posted this to give encouragement to others who were waiting a long time to see their accepted pieces in print. I have since learned of someone who waited five years so as Amanda commented, patience is a virtue here and those submitting would do well to heed Carol's comment that items submitted need to be timeless!
  • Well done, Wordy!
    (I think I might hold the record so far: on 5/9/2001 I submitted a story to My Weekly, which was published .... roll of drums ... wait for it ...
    on 5th January 2008.)
    Patience is a Virtue
  • 7 years...were you paid on acceptance or when it was printed? :)
  • Ceka, I am assuming that being also DC Thomson your story was paid for on acceptance otherwise it would be a long wait for "bread on the table."

    I have articles with a couple of other magazines that have been on file since 2005 so a way to go to beat your record I think. It's a good job PF also send a copy of the magazine when it is published as I had certainly stopped looking out for my piece by the time it was published.
  • I suppose it is worth the wait to get something in print, I am still waiting for payment for a story I sent to My Weekly on 28th April last year. They sent me an email saying how much they liked the story but will hold it for several months before they print it and I will get paid on publication. In the meantime I'm not to send it anywhere else. Why do we get treated like this? If it wasn't for us, the magazines wouldn't have any stories to print.
  • With the state they've been in this past year that doesn't surprise me.
  • fay, if you haven't already done so, I think you shgould send a polite query. There have been staff changes as well as other issues and it's quite possible this has been accidentally overlooked.
  • I was paid on acceptance (they're usually good on that) but the waiting was a bit of a trial since it was one of the first stories I ever had accepted. I know they are going through payment lists now - so hopefully you won't have to wait much longer for your money, but I agree with PM - a little polite nudge might move things along a bit
  • Just an update. Yesterday's post brought another copy of PF, this time for the 16th May and it contains the other item accepted back in 2007 describing our four hour journey by bus from home to our grandmother's house. It was a journey of just fifty miles. I think they must be having a bit of a spring clean perhaps.
  • Another well done, Wordy - I hope you're right about the spring clean - I have five stories with them at the moment and still heard nothing - will look out for your story.
  • thats good news wordy, well done.

    Good luck niddy.
  • Well done Wordy.
    Perhaps in these times of everyone being financially stretched they're going through what they've bought and not used yet.
  • Carol, I had precisely the same thought but I do hope not. They have three more fillers of mine with them at the present time, all sort of linked to the two they have published now.

    Good luck, Niddy. I hope to see your stories in print before very long. They do seem to take some time to respond on occasion. Last time it was eight months although on the only occasions I have sent stories they have been back within the week, rejected!
  • You never know Wordy they may start appearing soon too.
  • Wordy, I'll get that copy! I do like finding stuff by TB folks.
    There are 3 of mine out there now, in line waiting to be published with PF. Wouldn't it be fun if Niddy and SusieM and I all got into the same date!
  • That would be great ceka. For the first few weeks after I'd been paid, I rushed home thinking the copy would be through the letter box. Now I realise, things don't work that quickly.
  • But at least you were paid first...:)
  • True - as it was my first I wish it had been by cheque so I could have photocopied it. That £75 felt like a million pounds.
  • Hope there will be more sometime.
  • Perhaps we should suggest that we ae included in the same issue:)

    Know how you feel Susie, I keep hoping that my copy has landed on the mat and I'm still waiting to hear about other stories I've subbed to them. I know of at least two people who have subbed to PF and had rejections back within a month, my stories have been out there much longer, hopefully they have gone onto a further stage.
  • Fingers crossed. My last two came back fairly quickly and both were rejected. At least there was a comment on why they'd been sent back.
  • congratulations! Good to hear of successes like this. It's a tough market to break into.
  • Susie and Niddy - the longer they're away, the better, with PF, but it doesn't always hold. Once I had an acceptance within the week (and publication within 3 months, whoosh!) Also, no matter where else I get published, I will always keep sending stuff to DCThomson especially PF, cos they're so welcoming and friendly and you always get a reason why it's a 'no' if it is (nobody else except MW seems to personalise this feedback) When I started getting stuff into FF and WW, my then-editor at PF said " please don't forget us now you're being taken elsewhere " which I thought was a really lovely thing to say. Loyalty to the first person who helped me out, that's how I feel!
    And it might be a bit sad to those who are Serious Writers of Big Fiction, but I STILL get a buzz from seeing my stories in print!
  • Congratulations Wordy!
  • I had a story accepted by PF about 18 months ago - and was paid straight away for it. However, it's a Christmas story, so I'd been hoping it would appear over the last festive season, but, unfortunately, not. Ah well, there's always next year! You're right, they're such friendly, helpful people to deal with. I've been working on a novel, but you've made me think about writing some more short stories for PF.

    Well done, Wordy. :-)
  • Hi, Wordy, was looking out for May 16th PF and bought it today in your honour! Read all about your long journey, very evocative - loved the fact that the tortoises went too!
    Well done, may there be many more!
  • Glad you enjoyed it, Ceka. But what about the horse? That should whet a few appetites!

    I have sent some more anecdotes recently but have not had a response as yet. Probably a bit early. It took about six months last time and then a further eighteen months before they were published. I think I had better write a few more items for other markets meantime. Have an article ready to send today in fact to a regional magazine.
  • Read your article Wordy, look forward to the next one.

    Ceka - just noticed your post re PF, still heard nothing so perhaps good news as I hear they are sending rejections back pretty quick. Still don't know when they are publishing my story. I was also wondering when I sold the story there was a mix up and I didn't get a confirmation, it was all sorted as I got an email from then,this was from I assume one of the editors. If that's the case do I post stories in future to her or to whoese on the subs details - ta in advance:)
  • Hi, once you've got the name of an editor (on your acceptance letter) you're on 'her' list and all your other stories should be addressed to her by name. That's how I do it, anyway. You build up a bit of a relationship with one particular person that way. Keep us all informed when you're 'out' - !
  • thanks for that ceka, will do that in future - I hope that all my subs have been passed to her, in my cover letter I mention the story I had accepted so they should have followed through to her.

    thanks for being a mind of information:)
  • Mine of information, Me? - nah! I just happen to know a little about that particular slot in the market, that's all!
  • Hi Wordy
    After Ceka's message I went out and bought 16th May edition. Really enjoyed your article too. Well done.

    If other writers have any stories or articles published in magazines let me know I'll go out and buy them if at all possible.
  • edited May 2009
    Wordy I managed to get the 9th of May issue the day before the 16th was due, I got that one as well so have now read both your articles. I enjoyed both very much. Congratulations!
  • I am flattered that so many TBers have taken the trouble to buy People's Friend and have read my articles and I should like to thank everyone for their feedback. I wonder if PF have noticed an increase in their sales!

    Seriously, I know a lot of you also have articles or stories under consideration and some have already had items accepted. I originally posted to let people know that there may be a long wait before decisions are made and pieces appear in print but that doesn't make it any less exciting. Good luck to all. Hope to be reading some of your work soon.
  • edited May 2009
    [quote=SusieM]If other writers have any stories or articles published in magazines let me know I'll go out and buy them if at all possible.[/quote] I've got a story in the 2nd June Woman's Weekly. Page 30.
  • Congratulations, Phots-Moll. Will look out for your story.
  • Is that the one that came out today?
  • Wordy that's great. I've only just seen this. WEll done. I'd have given up on them after that long!
  • Moff to get Woman's Weekly to have a read of Toshlomple's story!
    (it does make it more fun if one knows the perpetrators (?sp) !!!
  • Well done, Toshlomple! I know 'an Emma', too!
  • Bought WW today SusieM, will read it over the weekend.
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