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Should Libraries really be like this? (mini rant)

edited April 2009 in - Reading
I would've posted this here but I fear it is a tad long (apologies in advance) so here's the link to my blog entry: http://writerbloggins.blogspot.com/2009/04/should-libraries-really-be-like-this.html


  • Just to add - sorry if the writing is bad...it IS a rant. And all comments etc. welcome ;)
  • edited April 2009
    with you all the way on this one.

    our library had a refit to accommodate the Ryde Help Centre, so you go there, give your name, take a number, sit and wait and then talk through your personal affairs before the entire library audience in the allocated corner... in doing that the shelves were halved in height, half the stock was removed, but still allowing a walkway through for classfulls of noisy brats the teachers cannot control. There are more computers and DVDs than before. Money money money. 3 copies of some chick lit, all on the shelf so they cannot say 'that book was in demand', less non fiction, less travel, biography, film, music, but let us not forget TWO copies of a book on Eduard Munch, like he is in demand ... one heavy expensive hardback, one paperback.
    One councillor was brave enough to say the Ryde Help Centre move was a mistake but has anyone taken notice? I no longer use the library. Nor does my daughter.
  • Ooh, I'm in the mood to rant but I don't wish to sign into a Google blogging identity.

    The local reference library once existed in its own, prefabricated concrete "garage" with space for visitors cars all around it.
    Racked solid with every variety of topic, staffed by a dedicated team of interested characters. {Truly individual personalities} Newcomers or those seeking help for their research were welcomed and an amazing mountain of books were invariabley produced from the "back store" by the knowledgeable personnel.
    Having been relocated to first floor of the purpose built general library, there are a meagre run of reference shelfs and enquiry for help is often greeted with,
    "Dunno where to look if it ain't on the shelf.
    The original site was "ideal" for a shoppers car park but because that was not populated enough for revenue generation the Council sold it to a private developer.
    Computeres have invaded the floorspace dedicated for reference library displays but You have to book time on those and thirty minutes is considered long enough duration for each session of research.
  • I recognise so many things there.
    I'd add- staff reductions, so they aren't behind a desk anymore now we have a check out and in book system, but where are they?
    Want a book from the basement store- probably not a good idea if you have a bus to catch later...
    Now I have to say this is from the last time I went in there after the revamp, I haven't been in since- I don't have time to waste...
  • edited April 2009
    It's just so infuriating. One of my biggest pet peeves is books (and CDs, DVDs, Videos etc..) being out of order. Some people have even said that they reckon I'm a bit OCD about them :rolleyes: I don't think I am (although every person has a certain level of OCD and neurosis and all that, they just only cite them when they get to the extreme levels) - it just bothers me. Like when my dad put the LOTR DVDs in the wrong order...ROTK before FOTR!?!

    And friendly staff, my &*"£ - the bloke in there huffed and puffed when god forbid, I asked for him to check the books out for me *gasps*

    It also grates on my nerves because I wanted to apply to work in the Library but was told they were looking for experienced and qualified librarians only *sighs*
  • my daughter could not work in a library. She has limited OCD but it does include having books arranged by size not author... imagine letting her loose in a library!!!!
  • *tries to imagine* ...oh dear.
  • I have a slight OCD towards CD's. They have to be in alphabetical order, and if its an artist with say, 5 albums, they have to be in chronological order, such as one was released in 2002, then 2004 then 2006 and so on. Then IN the CD case they have to face the right way up. It winds me up when it isn't. That's why I think I have OCD...
  • Nah, Probie, it's not quite OCD. I'm the same. I have all my CD's & DVD's in alphabetical order. All the books in my library are arranged in alphabetical order too. It's simply so that I can find them very easily and keep order.
  • Good, not the only one! :P
  • CDs are alphabetical by artist and then chronological; DVDs by genre and alphabetical order unless sequels etc. Books grouped by genre...then alphabetical by author...then, chronological if a series/trilogy etc. or alphabetical if not - it's just called being organised ;)

    But lord help you if you move one of mine out of order.
  • edited April 2009
    I'm like that. Dad borrowed my CD's as did mum and they wern't put back properly. I could have killed them.
  • Hi all. I know I'm a rare visitor to Talkback nowadays, but I just dropped in to see what's going on and couldn't resist adding my two penn'orth to the library rant.

    All our local branch libraries have recently been fitted out with self-service kiosks, computerised of course, and what a nightmare it is to actually return or take out a book now. Our little local library only has one kiosk so it doesn't take much logic to see that just one person at a time can use it. Previously when we had one of those old-fashioned things quaintly termed a counter, there would be 2 staff dealing with customers. So, now there are queues to borrow and return books, while the person using the kiosk fiddles around trying to figure out how to work the high-tech touch screen.

    Maybe I'm a dinosaur but I liked it when the librarian stamped the front of your book to say what date you had to return it. Now you don't get your book stamped because the kiosk doesn't do that. What it does is give you a paper receipt with the return date on it. Is this an underhand way to rake in more money in fines? If you take out half a dozen books at various times, as I often do, the only way to ensure you remember when to take them all back is to pencil in the date from your receipts on the inside of the books. I'm sure many people will forget to do this and end up with overdue books. And while I'm talking about money, I'd just like to mention that a £1 reservation fee PER ITEM is excessive!

    Noise? Well, don't talk to me about noise in the library. I sometimes think our branch is a meeting place for all the local council workers who are just passing by and feel like a chat with their colleagues.

    Finally, if the library provides an online catalogue which you can access at home to see whether the book you want is currently available on the shelf, can it be up to date please? I wasted a journey to one of the branch libraries today because the book I wanted was allegedly there to be borrowed. Not finding it on the shelf I asked at the desk and the librarian said it was reserved. So why was it still listed on the online catalogue as available when clearly it was not available! I even checked the online catalogue in the library to make sure I hadn't been seeing things, and yes it was definitely there in black and pale blue - AVAILABLE!

    Ok, I feel somewhat better having got all that off my chest. I know all you lovely Talkbackers will understand my frustrations, even if the complaints department at the council clearly does not!
  • Sorry to hear that that's happened to your library...The solution to those librarians chatting loudly, is to go 'shhhh!' as loudly as you can. If they're not gonna act like librarians themselves, you have the duty to take it on yourself.
    Our library has become almost fully 'automated', so we're encouraged to hold conversation with only the machines where we have to borrow, renew or return books.
  • Lily, don't stay away so long in future, we miss you!
    And Yes, I sympathise with all your frustrations. II fear libraries will cease to exist as we knew them and what a loss that will be to the next generation.
  • Yes Dorothy it would be a great loss. When I was a child the local library was my favourite place and reading my way through its shelves taught me more than I ever learned in school! I suppose things must change but why can't they ever keep the best bits of an old system instead of making such sweeping changes that manage to overlook the really important factors? Hi Tessadragon too, nice to see you both still here. x
  • I totally agree about the receipts, Lily...i have exactly the same problem...i didn't get a calendar for xmas last year like i usually do, otherwise i'd write the books due in on which date on it.
  • On the rare occasions my family do borrow a book, we ensure it goes back to a library that still has a counter and staff. As long as it is one of the city libraries they will log it in and send it back to the one it came from.
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