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Keeping organised and focussed!

edited March 2011 in - Writing Problems
Has anyone any advice on keeping organised and focussed? I tend to find that I have so many things I want to write - short stories, novels, articles - that I end up actually doing very little because I cant seem to get any sort of proper system going. I like to have a few things on the go to keep things varied but find it hard to actually progress anything!
How does everyone else deal with this problem?


  • The only way I can stay focussed (I am so easily distracted) is to make a list of things I want to accomplish for that month, usually on Dorothy's thread and also on my submission's spreadsheet. Otherwise, I'm like you, dabble with a few things and don't achieve what I should.
    I also do this with other non-writing related tasks.
  • [quote=ttofee]I have so many things I want to write - short stories, novels, articles -[/quote]

    ttofee, your problem is similiar to mine. What i did was to

    first of all I realise I needed to

    1) write down why I wanted to write

    then when I found out I could not achieve everything at once, I decided to

    2) allocate a time for each piece of wrting (eg two hours each weekday)

    before that time came round I made sure I

    3) listed what I wanted to achieve in that time (eg write 300 words of chapter 1 of novel)
    and made sure I was at my writing station, at that time and doing I'd agreed with myself I would do

    My aim now is to send out one short story per month and write 2,000 novel words a week and so far it has worked.

    If you make an agreement with yourself what you want achieve and when by, that should help you a little.

    Good luck.
  • I'm the same Susie, I tend to need to make a list
  • Dora, I like the way you worked through everything - think I will give that a go! I did have an aim of sending out a certain amount of work each month etc but because I was still all over the place with what I was doing, I didnt succeed in meeting my aims!
    I want this year to be different - okay I know its now March but I am going back to work in three weeks after being off on maternity leave and my grand plans to do all this writing whilst I was off have amounted to very little so I feel I need to kickstart myself again!
  • I have a list too. It's also a good plan to try to have a set writing time.

    Try to record or remember what you have done as well as listing what you want to do, or it'll never seem as though you're getting anywhere.
  • I like the idea of having a set writing time but I find it never works because there are so many things that need doing like ironing and washing and tidying - sadly with two young kids, all these things are never ending but must still be done! I did find that if I had writing on my to do list for the day, I would find time for it even if it was just half an hour. Think I should start adding it to my list again - when I have worked out what I am actually going to achieve during those writing times!
  • that's a good idea PM, I will try that one.
  • ttofee, perhaps if you just write on your list TODAY I WILL ACHIEVE HALF AN HOUR'S WRITING, and list what it is you want to achiev in that half hour

    doesn't matter if that half hour is split up into three lots of ten minutes, just so long as you keep to the half hour
    that you've told yourself you'll do

    I know how hard it is with young children around, having had three under five at one time myself so, don't be too hard on yourself if sometimes your plans don't work out

    all the best
  • Three under five - my goodness! I struggle with two under three! I actually think it will be easier when I return to the rat race in a few weeks as at least we wont be at home to create mess that will need cleared up!
  • :)

    good luck with returning to work ttofee
  • Hi ttofee, have you got some manila folders that you can use to keep notes of on the things you would like to write? (one for short stories; keep notes of overheard conversations, notes about places, etc) Then do the same for novel ideas and articles. Goodluck!
  • (FOCUSED: One 's'. Thank you)
    I like ALL the above ideas.
    Good luck and I'll join in, cos I need to get organised as well, everything's a bit haphazard here
    Computer ...
    see new Fred
  • Ceka, I apologise for the extra 's'!
  • Oh dear, and I apologise for being a pedantic nerd ...
  • OK, so how focused are you all at the moment? I am unfocused, due to preparing a VERY large mailout for the Richard III Foundation, run out of envelopes (again) and not sure how many sheets I need to print ... (3 to each envelope) and am all over the place, but - trying to settle down and get some work done after a totally disrupted week.

    Tell me you're doing better, please!
  • Well, I have written two blog posts in the last two days but not much other writing - but I am certainly more focused (ceka, one 's'!) than I was last week!
  • ttofee reporting in as being more focused, anyone else?
    I'll know tomorrow if I am going to get on with w o r k. There is a story hanging around, I am told, but the author hasn't got the opening line right yet.
  • Started off the week well (writing down every task I needed to do - writing and non-writing) but this all fell by the wayside Wed/Thur when my evenings were taken up with supporting our school production. I've got my granddaughter staying over the weekend but come Monday, I'll be making those lists and keeping to them.
  • [quote=dorothyd]Tell me you're doing better, please! [/quote] I am (she says smugly) All my writing tasks are up to date and that's not because I set low targets either. So far this month, I've written and subbed three brand new stories, done first drafts or edited several more and added 15,000 words to my current novel. I've subbed work and entered a few competitions.

    Other than the day job and writing I've not done much else, but then the weather hasn't been up to much so I haven't really wanted to.
  • Well done PM!
  • Nothing submitted but a couple of drafts under way and have had a request for the photos to accompany an earlier sumission and those have been sent. Hope you get back on track soon, Dorothy.
  • My energy, enthusiasm and organisation all seem to have deserted me this week no matter how hard I try. I am off to Bruges for a few days though next week so I am hoping that will inspire and rejuvenate me.
  • edited March 2011
    I just cannot become organised and the only time I was able to get on with actually writing at length was the day, about a month ago, when Jurgen Wolff did a committed working day on a Saturday throughout the world, lasting 12 hours,interspaced with two-hourly ten minute lectures from him. I must have a grasshopper mind! So many things to do, so many things to write, so many things to edit and send out, but still the ironing to do! Actually, lately I've hardly done any ironing, especially if it's come out of the spin drier.
  • PM, that is truly outstanding! *Stands back in awe and wishes her work was as up to date...*

    Just logged on to Static Movement to find there are new exciting anthologies demanding attention ... need to get my guys motivated. I mean, all evening and he finally gives me the first line when I'm in bed!!!!
  • edited March 2011
    Chambers says 'focussed' is also correct. Mind you, it could sound rude. (That's me, not Chambers.)
  • Bugger chambers.
    One 's' on thiss forum pleasse
  • [quote=ceka]thiss[/quote]


    I absolutely love ttofee ttoo...wish I'd thought of that...
  • [quote=ginab]Bruges[/quote]
    please go and see the pissing boy fountain in the thirteenth century square. Bruges will inspire you...it's so back to the past it's come round again and it's back to the future. I wonder if I could set a sci-fi novel starting in Bruges? Excellent choice. Have a lovely break.
  • Ttofee, you're in good company. On page 33 of April's Writing Magazine, it says "the core of your writing has to be focussed".
  • It'ss no usse Jay, I sstand by my asssertion that there sshould be only one 's' in focused
  • How weird - I had to look this up today! It can be either.


    "What about ‘focus’?

    This word can take either double or single s, with the single option being highly preferred.

    word present participle past participle
    focus focusing/focussing focused/focussed"
  • Nah, not buying it. I will not be moved from my preference!
    (Digs talons in and refuses to budge)
  • I'm with ceka! One s is enough for me. Having two looks weird.
  • Yes we went and saw thw fountain. It was lovely though I am still not much more organised or focused unfortunately.

    Hope everyone else has managed to achieve something as I haven't done much.
  • Well I've tidied up things in My Documents on the computer. But can't get focussed at the moment.
    I'm waiting for the Mechanic to come and fit the car part- fingers crossed that it will be running fine after this...
  • why would you have a mechanic come fit your carpet Carol?
  • edited April 2011
    Surely the mechanic's repairing the computer?
  • You two do need glasses! :)
    It said 'car part'...

    The car is running. We thought we might have trouble as one of the brakes had jammed up but it freed itself, so hubby didn't have to get up so early this morning- bliss, not being woken up at 5am...
  • My OH has started a job where he is starting at 6 but will be starting a 5am soon. I'm afraid I do not stir much when he gets up....I didn't even hear the alarm. At least he is home for lunchtime though.
  • [quote=Verica]I just cannot become organised and the only time I was able to get on with actually writing at length was the day, about a month ago, when Jurgen Wolff did a committed working day on a Saturday throughout the world, lasting 12 hours,interspaced with two-hourly ten minute lectures from him.[/quote]

    There's another one coming up in a few weeks time. I've signed up, though I've not participated before, and was wondering if anyone else was giving it a go?
  • Obviously he expects you to be able to drop any family responsibilities for that 12 hours...Sorry not in my world.
  • Fortunately, Carol, for that weekend only, in mine.
  • [quote=ceka]that there sshould be only one 's' in focused[/quote]

    I agree. I think it looks awful spelt with two 'ss'.
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