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What's the weather like there?



  • sunny sunny and bright. Winders flung open
  • Sunny now. Going for a walk.
  • Chilly and cloudy.

  • Cold.  I’m wearing two of everything today. 
  • Cold. I am about to put on extra socks. And a fleece. And my hands around a mug of tea.
  • Cold today, but it was sunny.
  • We've had a short spell of light rain, but I expect more as the clouds are blowing toward us.
  • The fine snow that has settled is starting to freeze. The road is too wet for it to settle, but ice may be an issue tonight.
  • Wet and miserable.
  • We have snow!
  • Our snow has turned to rain so everything is very wet here.
  • Wow it worked!
  • More than here- at the moment.

    The fine snow we had yesterday did start to settle in places, as it was so cold last night. But most of it melted by this morning. 

    Now, the fine snow is thickening and settling. 
  • Heavy rain now, so most of the snow has disappeared.
  • Same here Carol.
  • Apparently we had a bit more snow this morning, but it's not enough to be a problem, and most of it has melted already.
  • Woke up to this today.

  • Cold, but blue skies, a few clouds about, but the complete opposite of yesterday's weather, snow and rain.
  • Sunny now and snow is thawing but won’t be gone today. -4 forecast for tonight. Will be staying put tomorrow!
  • Yes, the local weather report at lunchtime warned it could be down to minus 7 tonight. :(
  • Wilts - your garden reminds me of mine - pots near the house, and a small garden with a meandering path. Lovely!
    Our snow melted in a day but it's still flipping freezing!
  • Thanks Lizy. I love sitting on the patio reading with the birds for company. Hard to believe I sat out for 1/2 an hour on Sunday.  :)
  • It's bright, but very cold. Just been out to refill the sunflower hearts bird feeder, and my fingers are frozen.
  • Pretty pics, Wilts. 
  • So glad it warmed up today.
  • Surprised me when I went out, much better than I'd expected, but lots of cloud now.
  • Sunny and much warmer for most of the day. Raining now.
  • Bit blowy 😬
  • Same here Heather.
  • And here.
  • Very blustery and grey here
  • Wet and windy. 
  • Started quite bright this morning, but the clouds moved in, and we've just had hail.
  • Bright and sunny until about 30 mins ago when we had a light shower. More showers forecast for this afternoon and sleet this evening.
  • Miserable.
  • We've had the rain but no sleet as yet. Cold.
  • The sun was actually a wee bit warm for an hour, so I planted three plants to fill gaps.
  • Rain. The sort of rain that makes you feel cold too.
  • On the train today enjoyed watching the foggy fields of Nottinghamshire fly past.  Lots of fields boggier than usual. 

    Homeward journey plenty of sun thank goodness but still incredibly chilly. 
  • Considerably warmer today - thinking of taking my thermal vest off!
  • Miserable day, and now we've got drizzle.
  • Miserable here too, rain most of the afternoon and still is. Warmer.
  • It’s bwill iiiiiant today. Winders open. Am out in garden. Yay 
  • Sunny sunny morning. Raining now. Warmer.
  • Cooler in the city centre and duller, but once I got nearer home it warmed up and the sun was shining.
  • Pouring with rain today.
  • Alternating between drizzle and rain.
  • Dismal, been cloudy all day.
  • been blardy Larvely innit
  • turned quite bright in the afternoon.
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