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What did you accomplish today?

edited September 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • Two things finished today - I've sent off a batch of synopsis/sample chapters of my novel today and I started another article (I got a bit carried away and finished it too!) 1,900 words in all, not bad for a day's work!

    Oh yeah, and I did some numbers stuff at work too as our payroll lady is off so I had to run the wages which I've never done before. I don't like numbers, but managed to get everyone's wages done properly!
  • Hey Moira, How come I only got paid £3.80 this week when I normally get £380.??
  • Ah, sorry Marc, did I warn you all I'm useless with numbers? There's a reason I write instead!
  • Wrote the script for a short  -very short (1 min 35secs) to accompany a video of my dog Arthur-Rex for C 5's Home News which they feature daily.  Found it very difficult to get some stats in and ensure they were married up to the sequences on the film.  Took about five re-writes to get it right and then it had to be recorded.  Still it's been done and sent off.  So we'll see if they like it.
  • Made the decision to carry on writing.  (After not winning a competition and spending parts of the weekend curled up under the duvet and eating large amounts of chocolate - not at the same time, of course, otherwise the chocolate melts all over the sheets.)
  • Yesterday, nothing.  Fiddled around with bits and pieces, read WN etc. found a magazine to write to (spiritual one, I have the perfect article already done by my guide) wrote long emails, but this morning! that's different. I have at last seen what is wrong with the book I am writing and can go home with renewed vigor (why do I have to work???) and get on with it, after I do a reading, that is.  But at least I know what is wrong, why I've not taken it further than a single line in the last week!
  • On the writing front yesterday, I added 150 words to my 'novel'.

    Things vaguely connected with writing: - checked Talkback, 'Bella Maria', Times Online (to see if they'd posted my comments about being left-handed), read a bit more of 'Why The Long Face?' by Craig Chester, posted to a friend a photo on which I'd based a short story (from our holiday recently), returned a book to WHSmith's (got the wrong one), and bought some punched pockets (useful for flash fiction).

    Other stuff: went to bank, bought new bulb for fridge, bought two pairs of trousers and a pair of pyjamas. Had midday nap, then sat outside in the sun. Usual stuff after that.
  • So far: we walked the dogs in the crisp Swiss September sunshine.  By Lake Geneva.  Fully intend to get some serious work done today and by that I mean phoning round publishers to try to find more clients (yawn...).  Also need to get to Lausanne to stock up on Lush bits and pieces. (Anyone who hasn't discovered Lush yet, hear this - my OH and I stayed in Cannes last week with his mum and dad.  His dad made a point of telling me that it's interesting having a shower after me as the bathroom smells lovely - that'll be the Lush stuff.  Here endeth the first lesson.)
  • Yesterday out buying the last few bits needed (for packing) for one of the boys, going on a residential trip to an outdoor adventure centre- yes only been in school two weeks so far!
    Today-seen him off on his trip, and I'm now catching up with the news, then I have a short story to complete.
  • Yesterday I perused talkback, posted a few answers, read through latest chapter of my novel, made corrections, started next chapter (190 words), day dreamed until called back to reality, made endless cups of tea, walked to local shops, did shopping, made a birthday cake for my son-in-law, prepared a special birthday meal for son-in-law and my daughter, wrapped presents, washed up, dead headed flowers in garden, hide the worst of the mess before daughter arrived, exchanged latest moans with daughter, heaved a sigh of relief when they went home, organised hubby for the night and finally went to bed to read my latest book.
    Phew…now to tackle today…
  • So far this week: Did my 2nd draft of my New Subscribers competition shortie, and the 1st draft of my Ghost story for the Times competition.

    Starting my 4th assignment on the fiction course after taking in the critique of the 3rd.

    I'm progressing well with my writing at the mo, finding time in the evenings to write after a full day's work.
  • Yep, been to Lausanne, got stuff in Lush (probably more than I should have, but it's never money wasted), and...  I'm coming over all unnecessary...  HIM's new album called 'Venus Doom'.  Cool title.  Cool music.  Amazing band.  Sexy vocalist.  Neph, have you got it yet?
  • Day three of course I was doing and saw them all leave about 4.00 after tea and cake.
  • Drove boys to school.  Got some shopping on way back.  Worked on rewriting last chapter of Words, Worms, Mega Bites and Crashes as publisher thinks it's still not right. Gave eldest son a big hug when he found out today he had passed his first year uni resit (so panic over, he can go with his degree).  Went to one of the children's centres and primary schools I go to to do story and language sessions with small groups of small children (I love it),more rewriting, collecting boys from school bus stop two miles away, chores, walked dog along river and escorted middle son to explorer scouts at same time, dealt with youngest son's tantrum (he has asperger syndrome), took two headache tablets, wrote this.
  • Hmmm, when I'm shelving books (which I don't do all that often as I'm mainly put on the counter at library), I think about the novel.  I have now got the total angle of it; although I reckon two drafts would be optimistic.  Today, I thought about changes to the first draft I desperately need to make.  At the moment, it's a little too serious for me and needs to become more upbeat to suit the character... so I've done a lot of thinking about that and have noted down the results on my draft plan.

    Have also played guitar and sang to Under 5s (yaaayyy, it went down well - I had a hard act to follow but the guy who used to do it has moved libraries), my son walked in when I was half-way through it and told me he thought "Oh, there's mum!"  I was singing all the songs I used to do with him and his sister.  He's broken up with his boyfriend so I took him for lunch and a cuddle.

    I was asked to train someone today.  Dunno why they asked me - I haven't been there all that long!  The bloke was a manager and said he'd worked for libraries before.  He was clueless so I should cocoa!!
  • it's coming up to 8pm. I have done a lengthy reading, 3 typed A4 pages, I have glanced at the latest arrival for the book shelf, a book on horses and royalty, (still trying to track down destriers and their trainers) looked at my coursework and am planning the next assignment in my head (I called the college today as I have had NO communication to be told I have A+ for everything so far.  So why not tell me that ...!)
    and am about to get on with this rewrite of the Island book. Or at least begin it.  I close down at 8.30.
  • Go to the top of the class, Dorothy.
  • I have just discovered that the opposite to writers' block is burnt aubergines...got into a bit of a flow with an idea and forgot about supper cooking away in the kitchen.....
  • me too, Rebecca. I didn't win any B####y competitions so I had a deep fried chocolate sandwich. They obviously don't know good stuff when we send it in!
  • Did some more editing on my kids' book, sat wondering why the printer I saw last week hasn't sent his quote yet, tried three times to get into YouWriteOn's message board (unsuccessfully), posted a letter I'd forgotten to post three times already, moved some files from one cabinet to another to make more room.
  • Well I revised a review of our recent writers' club speaker meeting for the next issue in December (speaker was Paul Sutherland of Dream Catcher small press)and sent it off to the editor.
    Rewriting a short story that I haven't touched in two years.
    Wrote the opening two paragraphs of anotther short story.
    Set up the page for a radio story for a club competition using a Writers Room script download.
    Read one of my short stories tonight at the club Manuscript Meeting- it was my identity story with the Italian Restaurant and the cheating boyfriend in it.
  • Written about 700'ish words for the prologue to my novel-in-progress. I wasn't happy with the beginning. I didn't think it drew the reader in to the story but I think it will now. It's coming along quite nicely.

  • No more free haircuts, eh, TT? Is Ru OK?
  • Commiserations, Bill.  The chocolate does help, though.  I'd have got some chocolate if I'd won, as well, so it's very versatile.
    Had a better day yesterday - did 300 words of a new short story, and 5 limericks for a competition.
  • Hug to Ru from me, too, TT.
  • A hug to Ru from me as well. Today, I did a day's work in three and a half hours. I was processing sparkling, I have never worked so hard and fast in all the time I have been there. After lunch was a bit more relaxing, unpacking bottles from boxes to be relabelled then packing them again. Oh what fun.
  • Did housework during the morning, gave an armchair to a family, which we advertised on Freecycle, accompanied best friend to lunch, as my husband was in London at a meeting all day; spent a lot of the afternoon on Talkback and wrote a poem, The Bell, in bed at night before going to sleep. 
  • Had a cup of green tea.  Had a cup of normal tea. About to have a cup of coffee.  Going through a lot of tissues (for nose).  Have Vicks VapoRub plastered under nose, on throat and chest.  Avoided going swimming as doubt fellow swimmers would appreciate me sneezing all over them and dribbling snot in water.  About to continue with the re-write of book one: will hopefully finish chapter three by tomorrow (8 chapters in book, about 45-46 pages each).

    On the other hand, last Wednesday was surprisingly productive.  Finished a nightshift (was in Sussex), decided not to go to bed, read WM and proceeded to write a flash fiction for the 'A picture is worth a 1,000 words' competition (September 07) and a short story that has been in my head for three years.  I'm not a short story writer, so I was quite surprised.  I'm rather obsessed with the book series, you see.  Obviously, brain seems to work incredibly well under stress.  Good news for meeting deadlines in future!   
  • Is this a rolling thread? Is 'today' forever? Or does it mean 18th September?
  • Where in Sussex, MDD?  That's my local area (West).
  • Jay - is today forever? how philosophical!

    Well yesterday I sent off my submission for Legend short story comp. Today I made a list of other comps to enter and sent a pitch for three articles to a website I regularly write for. Had a counselling session where I sobbed about my Dad and just about to book the writing course that Alys is paying for as my birthday present. And it's still only lunchtime so I deserve a cup of coffee.
  • it's good that we are keeping going with this, it is giving us the impetus to make sure we have something to relate!
    I'm up to my eyes in an inventory for abebooks.com as I have signed up with them as a bookseller. Makes you look at books entirely differently, not only a brief outline but a detailed description of its condition. Unlike ebay, there is no facility to scan covers so people can see them.  I have noticed many times that there is no description of the book contents and I go on blind instinct when buying (not been let down yet, though!) and am including that description for my books to sell.
    The idea is the more places I advertise the books, the more likely I am to sell them.
  • Was in Chichester TP.  Did two nightshifts and four long days.  Might be going back later this year or next year.  Will be in Doncaster for the next ten weeks: asked my agency to book me for four, but they booked me for ten!  If I can't commute to somewhere for work (this one will be 1hr 45min,  too far to commute, especially when doing long days and nights), I prefer to do four weeks at the longest.  Hospital accommodation can get very depressing beyond that.  As it is, will be driving home any free weekends I have for this Doncaster job.  My agency did suggest I turn around after four weeks and tell them I did not want to work there anymore.  I could never do something that unprofessional.  If I'm committed to a contract, then the only thing that will make me unable to complete it is illness.  So, if I'm not around a lot until December, you'll know why.  I'm probably on the M1 somewhere!       
  • MDD, err... this is really spooky.  Which ward were you on?  That's where my nan is at the moment :o)  Presuming you were in maternity, though, so wouldn't have seen her.
  • Yes, I'm all kids TP.  I was mostly on the baby intensive care and the children's ward.   
  • Hope your nan is okay :-(
  • Thanks, she's on the mend, but it's taking time for her to get better.  She's up and down daily, she's a bit confused and forgetful, and she has to do exercises as physio for her hips, but she's a strong character (she had us all so worried when she was first admitted that she's shown us once again just how strong she is).

    She'll get there in the end.
  • Good to hear TP :-) 
  • sometimes the old ones are stronger than the new, if you see what I mean. More strength to her will!
  • Fingers crossed for your Gran TP.

    Mentioned earlier that I sent a pitch to a website about three articles, well they've got back to me about one of them so I now have a commission. Woo, that's something to clock up as an acheivement. You never know until you try. Just got to write it now, lol.
  • lots of R & R
  • Stopped anyone from using the Alterative Titles thread. I expect the 'nuisance' thread may be for me!
  • Yes TP best wishes to your nan.
    Congrats on the commission Josie.
  • Thanks for all the good wishes, I know my nan appreciates it.  I hope she won't be in hospital too long, but I don't think it'll be within the next couple of weeks, at least.
  • I sat and wrote a whole list of why I think nobody loves me.  It included I'm too Old, too ugly, too boring, wrong star sign... know what I mean...???
  • Brushed off a two-year old idea, tacked on a new and topical hook, and sent it off to a magazine. Still think it's a good idea; somebody's gotta buy it!
    Did some research online about a subject I'm exploring for possibly two or three articles. Debating on whether or not I should pursue it at all. Too much of a learning curve involved? HOw do you decide?
    Checked email obsessively all day, hoping for a response to an article that I submitted two nights ago; this editor requested it for Friday, and I sent it early and he hasn't had the decency to reply yet! how annoying. HOpe it's not this hard to get the cheque out of him.
  • Oh, Sal ... We love you!
  • Sal, the list of why you are loved will be longer.
  • Sal, come on here's a hug! (        )
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