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I am sailing....

edited January 2008 in - Writing Tales


  • Hi folks.  I don't know if any of you remember earlier last year I was given opportunities to talk on cruise liners.  I chickened out at the time.  Well finally I have taken the plunge and will be setting sail on the Saga Rose this Sat from Southampton heading over to the Caribbean and through the Panama Canal to Equador and on to Peru from where my wife and I will be flown back. Three weeks. In that time I've got to give eight hours' worth of talks. It's been driving me spare these past two months, working up to 10 hours a day, trying to get together sufficient material - anecdotal veterinary tales and the like -  that will entertain the passengers. I'm really nervous about it all thinking that if the talks flop there's no way I can escape: probably be made to walk the plank.
    Anyway I'll sea how it goes and report back in early Feb.
    All best
  • I remember it well MW and delighted that you're finally going to do it.  Sounds like a wonderful itinerary - I'd love to travel through the Panama Canal.  And don't worry about the talks - as the cruise progresses people will get to know you and that will make it easier as you go along.
    (If not - say hi! to the dolphins for me when you hit the water.)
  • Wow good luck with it all I am sure it will go well.
  • best of luck with it all, MW! Look forward to a long report when you get back!
  • Sounds very hard work but I'm sure you will be fine. You will have to keep a diary of your exploits to share with us on your return (or while you're away if you can log in). Good luck and I hope you enjoy every minute of it including the talks.
  • That's soon come round Malcolm.
    Have fun, and we know you will pass with flying colours-so don't worry.
    Enjoy the sunshine, impress all the passengers, and make sure you have a big notebook.
  • It sounds wonderful.  A great opportunity and time to enjoy yourselves as well.  Good luck.
  • I certainly do remember Malcolm.  Believe me, you have prepared so well it will be a resounding success.  The preparation is everything.  I look forward to hearing how things went on your return.  Bon voyage to you both.
  • Good luck MW - hope it's all plain sailing for you! Enjoy the adventure.
  • Good luck, MW. Hope you can conquer your nerves and enjoy the experience.
  • Hello and good luck.  It sounds like a wonderful opportunity.  Just had a look at your profile and if I were on the cruise I'm sure I'd be looking forward to listening to you.  Being agony aunt on My Weekly alone should give you enough material to fill a few hours!  Mind you, need to be careful in case you have anyone in the audience who had written to you!  Everyone loves vet tales and I'm sure it will be a huge success. Look forward to hearing how it went.
  • Definitely keep a diary, MW, we want to know about all the funny bits that went wrong (only kidding...)!
  • Sounds amazing!  Good luck :-)
  • Wow MW.  That sounds great.  We'll miss you though.
  • MW - I've heard it suggested that people who go on cruises should take two sizes of clothing - the usual and one size larger. This is because there's always food around, day and night!
  • Have fun MW, sounds great!
  • Hey, never mind reporting back in early Feb - they are bound to have internet connection on the ship - we expect nothing less than at least a weekly account!
  • pardon me, just boarding this thread temporarily
  • mcbemused - are you going overboard?
  • Thanks for all your good wishes folks. Will be boarding this afternon. And certainly will keep you posted if interested (and I'm not too seasick or gone down with Norovirus). Got back fron doing a trial run with one presentation in the local Day Centre to find a message asking me if I'd do a week's speaking engagement on P&O's Oceana in May going to Norway. Had to let them know by return....
  • It all sounds so exciting. I hope you said you would do the Norway engagement. Good luck with it all.
  • The world is no longer safe from you! Good luck, amazing opportunities. It will be hard to find time to write if you aren't careful.
  • Bon voyage et bonne chance!
  • Have fun, don't eat too much, and write between the good bits!
  • Bon Voyage MW - if you have internet access and have the chance to drop in while you're at sea... I saw a fascinating programme about the construction of the Panama Canal. I would be very interested to hear about your passage through the locks - pretty please!
  • Good luck, Malcolm! I remember, too, that you were going. Enjoy the talks/lectures and vow them with your puns and anecdotes. Your experience aboard will fill another book.
  • edited January 2008
    You can call it Vet Onboard, Vet at Sea...
  • How about 'Vet Feet' for when you go overboard?
  • Haha, that's a good one mcb! Goodluck MW!
  • Fantastic news, MW! Can't wait to hear how it all goes.
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