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major spiritualist article published

edited December 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • I'm thrilled to be able to tell you Redwood and I have a major article on reincarnation in the second edition of Eternal Spirit magazine.  It's pleased us both very much.
    But not as much as the letter which arrived this morning.  We did a reading a few weeks ago for a lady with chronic paranoia to the point when she was checking all switches (in a 1 bedroomed flat) for 3 and a half hours every night.  We counselled, advised and talked her through the fears, she wrote to tell me that she had got it down to one and a half hours and today's letter said now it is only half an hour and, something she didn't tell me before, she is now eating hot meals and having hot drinks and able to have a hot water bottle at night. This fear set in after her divorce 7 years ago, it has been a long time building.  We demolished it in 7 weeks.  The power of spirit is unbelievable and she has been released from what was literally a prison.  So today is one for great happiness and thankfulness.
  • Very well done on both counts Dorothy! Great news about the article, but in particular how wonderful to be able to have helped someone so much. Quite humbling for me.
  • That article is a real success for you.  Many congratulations!
    It's so good you were able to help that lady.  I wonder if she'd tried any treatments or therapy.  It is interesting how something can suddenly trigger healing.
  • Well done on both counts. You must be very happy today. I hope it lastt hrough the festive season.
  • That's excellent, Dorothy. I must look out for the magazine. :)
  • Wonderful news Dorothy, well done.
  • Two pieces of good news at once! Well done, Dorothy!
  • Well done Dorothy - what lovely Christmas presents.
  • Brilliant news Dorothy! Well done on both. xxxx
  • Well done, both! Congrats on the article, too!
  • Brilliant news Dorothy.  Congratulations on both counts.
  • Well done Dorothy and Redwood :o)
  • Great news Dorothy.  Well done.  Enjoy your Christmas.
  • Well done Dorothy, can't say I have heard of that magazine, but will look out for it and see if they do book reviews ! 
  • book reviews, yes, but strictly of spiritual books, of course.  It's a brand new magazine, this is only the second issue.  It is getting better, the first one was a bit OTT with photos. Like 4 of Derek Acorah's grinning face, something we could have done without! As it is there is an ultra cheesy photo of Gordon Smith that is a bit redundant.  Never mind, he featured my psychic portrait of Redwood and that is fine by us.  He extended my subscription by way of payment so it didn't exactly get published for nothing.  You may only find this at Mind Body Spirit fairs or spiritualist churches.
  • Will see if they have a website. Thanks Dorothy
  • Well done, Dorothy.
  • that's great news!
  • Well done on both counts.
  • Well done DD and Redwood on both of those successes. May you have more to come!
  • can but hope, thanks, everyone. Concentrating at the moment on a series of articles for WN, see how that goes. I know Eternal Spirit is interested in my article on Djinns.
  • I want to ask you sooo many questions about Redwood, Dorothy, but I am not sure I should. I am not sure it's proper - on this site, I mean...?
  • Congratulations Dorothy.
  • Well done on both matters Dorothy.
  • Diana, go ahead and ask, or write me at [email protected] and I will respond there.
  • I've only just come across this. Well done on both counts, Dorothy. I'd be interested in the article on reincarnation and will see if I can get the mag.
  • Well done, Dorothy. Reincarnation is a subject that fascinates me.
    And it's great how you've helped the lady with paranoia.
  • IK, I sent them ... will resend tonight, they're in the home computer, not at work.
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