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What is the saying?......

edited December 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • Hoist on one's own petard?

    Well I think I just have been.  I have been approached by a webzine to write some articles - yeehaa!  Something else for the c.v.  I duly submitted two samples of my work and they were accepted with great aplomb - now they want me to write 10 by next friday - aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • A victim of your own success - well done
  • So what are you doing on here get cracking! Well done.
  • Hard life...always willing to swap :-)
  • I wish I could Kateyanne - I am working on site for a client until next week. - Ah well I never really liked sleeping anyway.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Actually it's not that bad - I started writing a book on the subject some years ago so a large part of the groundwork is already done.  I just had a minor wobble when I saw how many they wanted - and when.  Are all webzine publishers (or publishers generally) that strict on deadlines?
  • Lixxy I see you teach English as a foreign language. Can you recommend any books to teach adults? Or web sites? Their English is quite a high level.I was amazed. They don't have any books provided here and I am having to make all my own work sheets.
  • There are loads - email me direct on [email protected] and I can give you details.
  • will do thanks
  • Good on you Lixxy, get on with it.
  • You can do it ... if you give up living for a week!
  • Well done you. Who needs sleep anyway?
  • Well done, Lixxy.
  • Well done Lixxy!
  • Thanks everyone.  The deadline has not been made any easier after being felled with the flu yesterday - I have only managed to be upright for the past hour!  Ho hum.  Kettle is on, it's going to be a long night.
  • Lixxy.
    I have just joined this group and I am interested to know the outcome of your 10 articles by Friday. Did you manage it?
  • Davaaris - see "Opinions Please" thread for positive update.
  • Hi Davaaris, yes I did manage to get the ten done and paid for which was a worry. I now have another 24 to do and the possibility of another 30 for a website with a slightly different slant on the subject!
  • Good for you Lixxy. Well done. I suspect as I start on my writing career that the most difficult part is going to be acceptance. Once people know what you can do they are happy to pay for more. You have crossed that bridge so move your goalposts and keep going. I'd love to know how you get on.
  • I hope you feel better, Lixxy and well done on completing the articles.
  • Well done, and best of luck with the rest of the articles.
  • Thanks everyone. It is a hard slog though, working full-time and trying to keep to the 2 per day requirements of the company, ah well the second invoice is in and I am just keeping going. I miss writing my stories though, I was planning to enter one in a WM comp but I have just realised the deadline is tomorrow - shazbat!
  • Well done, Lixxy.
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