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Somerset's Hidden Gems

edited December 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • Hi folks. Earlier this week I was asked if I could contribute to BBC Somerset re nominating a place I considered a hidden gem.  I was subsequently whisked up to Exmoor in a BBC car and took the presenter along a mile long coastal path to the smallest parish church in England where I got married in 1976. The piece was broadcast last Wed and there are now some pics to be seen on: www.bbc.co.uk/somerset/content/image_galleries/hidden_gems_gallery.shtml?15
  • Good for you!  Maybe there's a book in it?
  • Well done Malcolm. I'll have a look at the pics.
  • Lovely pics Malcolm, and such lovely memories to go with them for you.
  • Thanks for that Malcolm, I'm always looking for new places to walk in Somerset. It looks really charming.
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