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those 3 submissions I posted....


  • Only one has sent back my stamped postcard to acknowledge they've received it :(

    And then promptly sent back my 3 chaps anyway with the usual rejection letter. Did they even read it? Nah... I bet many don't anymore.  They'll glance at the cover letter and make their minds up on that alone.

    I'm sulking again, aren't I? Slap me someone.
  • But not really - we have all experienced the paranoia of rejection without explanation, I actually wondered once if one of my submissions had even been opened,let alone given a cursory sneer and thrown in the slush pile!
  • One of mine came back in a different envelope from the SAE I had enclosed. Inside it was my complete submission, including my covering letter to them and my SAE, but not even a slip from them. Must be a really, really bad book I've written!!!
  • At least you have the nerve to post things off - I'm so fearful of rejection I rarely send anything off!  You should see the slush pile I have amassed all by myself...
  • the first step to being a writer is sending work out. The second is dealing with the rejections, as in sending it out again and again ...
  • Dorothy, surely the first step is to actually write?
  • You sulk if you want to, A.  But not for too long.  Keep planning where you're going to send out to next, make any changes if anyone gives you helpful criticism and then keep on sending out.  Start writing something new too.
  • Not really, Richt, you have to assume that someone has scribbled something somewhere before even contemplating sending something out and as most writers are born, not made, the first step is sending out the work ...
  • my aim this year was to send out as many stories as I could, didn't bother me that I would receive rejections.  I put those down to the learning process.  Next year my promise tomyself is to send out double the amount and get at least one acceptance.  My attiude is just keep at it and one day you'll end up a winner.
  • I'm thinking maybe my grandchildren will find all this stuff in the attic one day and make millions from me!!
  • I have written myself a big notice on the wall "I am not afraid of failure". To be honest it is on paper, if I'd written it on the wall the kids would point out I had double standards! It's scary sending work out and the cause of dep depression getting it back, but every so often amongst all the grief comes a tiny nugget of hope - just keep searching you'll find it in there somewhere.
  • mcbemused, be brave and send them. YOu've nothing to lose (except postage costs), they don't rip into your work (if only they would!) only send it back with a very polite rejection letter.
    I've another come back today. I'm really running out of places to send them to!

    Oh, thanks for the slap. But next time put your pen down >rubs eye<, I'm found of my eyes!!  lol
  • Me too, allagentshateme. It was waiting on the mat when I came back from my Writing Group Christmas lunch. Only one still out now and when that comes back it's into the drawer for a few months and get back to the short stories for a bit, where at least I had some success.
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