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Somerset Sound Radio broadcast.

edited November 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • Hi folks. Yesterday was invited on to BBC Somerset Sound as one of three panelists for an hour in the morning. It turned into one of the  whackiest sessions I've done. If you want to hear about a python eating a neighbour's dog,  drinking hare's saliva to conceive, a Boxer swallowing a watch and a sick tarantula then do tune in.  www.bbc.co.uk/somerset. Click on listen again. Then click on Morning with Jo  Thursday.  A guy called Jonathan was standing in for the usual presenter Jo Phillips. Usually she plays several records during the hour but Jonathan just played two... it was otherwise all talk... nothing you could call serious but certainly fun. If any TBer has the time to spare he/she might find it entertaining (or utter drivel).
  • Well done MW!
  • Congratulations!
  • Well done, Malcolm. I'll try and tune in later. I always look for something entertaining on the radio when I do the ironing for the week. Pity it wasn't a steamy interview, but I'm sure you'll have me creased up anyway.
  • It was all above (ironing)board so went smoothly enough.
  • A com-pleat success?
  • Yes.  And I wasn't on edge when pressed for replies.
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