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Just Signed!

edited November 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • Continuing from the thread about how to write a great query letter - I'm happy to report that I have just signed my contract with an agent in London for my novel! Woohoo! I'll keep you all informed of progress as and when things happen. xxx Debs
  • That's great! Well done.
  • Well done, Midia.
  • Many congratulations.
  • well done you!
  • Wonderful, well done.
  • Wow! Cool. Congratulations to you.
  • Many congrats.  The fireworks are going mad for you here in Spain!  Really well done.
  • Well done, it is nice to hear good news.
  • And a big Woohoo! from me, too.
  • Congratulatations !
  • Well done Debs - it's great to hear good news.
  • How wonderful and what fun! :)
  • Congratulations! Who're you with?
  • Congratulations Midia! What are you doing to celebrate?
  • midi, i often just read threads and dont comment but your good news has to be celebrated.  Congratulations and several large bottles of virtual champagne to you for acheiving - for all of us here - a lifetime ambition.  we salut you!!
  • Congratulations Midia! What agent did you sign with? Did they ask you to do corrections or changes in your book? What happens next? They try to sell the book to a publisher, right? Do you have any say in the deal they make with a publisher, or does your agent have complete control? Yes, I know, curiosity killed the cat... but I'm not a cat :-)
  • Congratulations.
    I too am curious (nosy) about the details :-)
  • Awww, thanks guys! My server has been down all morning and I've only just been able to read all your wonderful posts of congrats. To those who asked - my agent is Judy Chilcote of The Judith Chilcote Agency in London. Yes, she did ask for me to make a few revisions to the novel, mainly to get the word count up to 100,000 words, so I had to do 20,000 words of filling!
    Although I've been published before I have never had an agent as I've always written non-fic books up until now, but as I understand it the agent will now start submitting the ms to the appropriate publishers. We're looking at going for a two/three book deal because I am told that no publisher want's a one-book wonder author. As soon as I know more I will enlighten you all as to what happens next. Thanks again everyone! Debs xxx
  • No hope for the Bible, then.

    Keep us posted!
  • Really well done, Debs. Keep us updated as to how things progress.
  • Woohoo!!!!!! Well done!
  • Congratulations Midia. How exciting for you!
    What type of novel is it? 100,000 words seems a lot as a minimum - I thought you could get away with 80,000!
  • Congratulations!
  • Congrats! Well done and i hope you get that publisher soon! 100,000 words that's a great effort.
  • Heather, it's a modern, romantic comedy (people like to call it chic-lit nowadays)about a young woman who suddenly discovers the voices in her head are not her imagination, but real dead people. Think Doris Stokes meets Jill Mansell;)
  • Thanks Midia - sounds great! I will look forward to reading it when it's published.

    So do you think 100,000 is standard for this type of book? Mine is probably similar genre (but I like your idea better!) but it just hits the 80,000.
  • Well done. I hope you get a publisher. I had a contract with an agent last year, but they didn't manage to get a publisher.
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