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some success, maybe!

edited October 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • Some of you may remember that I posted a message to talkback about having finished my thriller. You all sent me your kind thoughts. Well, I have a little bit of good news. I sent the first three chapters to 5 literary agents thinking I would hear from them in about six months, if I were lucky. Well two of them got back to me within a week and asked to see the rest of the ms. I posted it to them today, so fingers crossed.
  • well done,I'm jealous, though I have to admit I'm terrible about actually sending stuff off. But that's brilliant.
  • That's a very hopeful sign. More than that, the fact that two of them have requested the full manuscript means that it must be very good. Well done. :)
  • I hope you get a positive response after they've seen the manuscript.
  • A hopeful sign. Lots of luck.
  • fingers xxd for you!
  • Good luck
  • Oh Caro I am so pleased for you! Keeping everything crosssed for you.
  • Thrilling news :)
  • Well done!
  • Your thread title is "some success, maybe", well, that definitely sounds like success to me!  Well done.
  • Well done Caro!
  • Really great news - well done!
    I also sent my first chapters to five agents last week and, going by the perceived wisdom, am expecting to have to send it to at least another 25 before getting any sort of positive response, if any at all! That is really tremendously good for you and I hope it ends up with the result you want.
  • That sounds really positive, Caro - very well done. We're keeping everything crossed for you!
  • Excellent news! I hope you get a contract soon.
  • Thanks to all of you again for your kind thoughts. Hickey, I wrote 'maybe' because I am really afraid to tempt fate. I can hardly sleep at night because I am so excited but I don't want to build my hopes up too much. I'm getting married shortly, but the prospect of getting an agent is much more thrilling! Good job my boyfriend isn't on talkback.
  • Hope for success on both levels, Caro!
  • Good for you! It just goes to show that if you have a good idea and write well you are in with a BIG chance, and you don't need to be a celebrity either, talent will out. What is your thriller about?
  • Hello Candy, it is a historical/mystery thriller about Hildegard Von Bingen. I started writing it about nine months ago. A while back I submitted a few chapters to an agent who rejected it. My brother, a great thriller reader,  told me that it was really boring! I hadn't a clue about how I could make it more interesting until I began to read Scott Mariani's articles in WM. I then bought his book, How to Write a Thriller. It was full of useful information which I followed to the letter. And now agents seem to be interested. Fingers crossed.
  • Hey caro.  really well done. keeping fingers, eyes and legs crossed for you.  keep us informed please.
  • Hildegard of Bingen. That sounds really interesting. I'm not surprised that you caught the agents' attention,there is a huge market for historical mystery thrillers at the moment. Best of luck.
  • Some exciting news! I got an email from one of the agents telling me that they liked the rest of my novel. They said I still need to do quite a lot of work on it and they would be happy to guide me. They haven't promised me an agency agreement but they did say that if I do the  rewrites, based on their suggestions,and they like what I do, then they would consider taking me on as a client. I can hardly believe it.
  • Fingers crossed!
  • that is brilliant news!
  • fantastic news - hope everything goes well for you.
  • Really wonderful news. Well done!

    I don't think all agents actually take as long to reply as people expect. Four out of the seven I sent my chapters to a few weeks ago have certainly been very speedy in sending their rejection letters. Not jealous at all! :)
  • I mass marketed in August. Still waiting on 20.
  • That's brilliant, Caro - very well done!
  • That's great news, Caro. And if one of the other agents writes back saying they like the book as it is and want to take you on, you will have a very pleasant decision to make. :)
  • Good news, that's very positive. Good luck.
  • Excellent news - well done!
  • Wonderful news!
  • Once again, thanks for all your kind thoughts. I've told the agency that I would be happy to do as many rewrites as they want. I'm now waiting for their comments on the ms.
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