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Writing Magazine - author profile

edited November 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • Hi folks.  I'm birthday boy today - hitting my sixth decade.  And I received a great birthday present from Writing Magazine overnight. Margaret James wants to do an author profile of me for a future edition of the magazine. I feel really privileged to be asked. As to content well I'll definitely be mentioning the long-term enjoyment and knowledge I've gained from the magazine and also the fun involvement (or should that be pun involvement?) and supportive responses from fellow Talkbackers on this site over the last year.

    Thanks everyone.. I'll give you all a toast  later - wholemeal with marmalade on it.
  • Hi Welshman. Congratulations! That's a brilliant way to start a new decade, and a very promising one as well. Hope you have a wonderful day.
  • Happy Birthday MW!
  • Happy Birthday MW
  • Well done, and happy 50th (I think) birthday!
  • Happy Birthday!  Have a special day.  Well done on the author profile.
  • Happy Birthday. Looking forward to the author profile. Congrats on that.
  • Happy birthday MW, and well done!
  • Happy Birthday MW.
    That's great news I look forward to reading the result in WM.
  • Many happy returns of the day MW - look forward to reading about you in WN
  • Happy birthday to another Scorpio and well done on the interview! :)
  • Happy Birthday Malcolm, may there be many more. Congratulations on the author profile project. When it comes out we can say we know you well!
  • happy birthday and congratulations!
  • Happy Birthday MW and congratulations! xxxx
  • Happy Birthday to you, and many more - birthdays and successes!
  • Many happy returns - hope you have a great day. 
  • Sixty! A great age to be. I don't know what your wish is for the next ten years, but going by your profile you've got many more successes to come. Have you tried to get away from the 'vet' label? I'm looking forward to reading your profile in the Writer's Magazine. It's an honour to be asked for one. Best wishes on your birthday.
  • Fantastic news on the author profile - and happy birthday too!
  • Happy birthday and well done on having author profile!
  • Come on, Malcolm, we can't agree on your age. Fifty or sixty?
  • Congrats on your (significant) birthday & the author profile - that's fantastic. I'll be drinking a toast to your double celebration later!

    Luv Kaz
  • Happy birthday MW. What a truly fantastic way to celebrate the day! Three cheers for you.
  • Happy birthday, MW. Did Arthur-Rex buy you a present?
  • A Happy birthday and well done on the author profile.
  • Thanks for all your good wishes for my 60th  (yes Jay 60th). We're going out for a celebration meal with eight friends this evening.  I've been given a 60th badge to attach to my lapel which can be turned on to light up. I know I'm getting on in years but I didn't think I was ready to become a flasher though I do have the raincoat on hand if need be.

    Arthur-Rex took me for a brisk walk through the woods this morning and gave me a birthday surprise by pooing on top of one of my favourite plants. Guess it's his way of saying I'm number two.
  • 1st = 0-9
    2nd = 10-19
    3rd = 20-29
    4th = 30-39
    5th = 40-49
    6th = 50-60.

    Happy 60th birthday!
  • Er ... 50-59.
  • I assure you Jay, when you reach my age, a year lost here or there is meaningless esp if you don't know what time of day it is.<g>
  • Many congratulations, MW, for the profile and the birthday. Have a great meal.
  • Happy Birthday and Congrats!
  • Arthur-Rex obviously thought long and hard about that present - he wanted to give you something original, even if it wasn't gift-wrapped!
  • Malcolm, you've lost a whole decade!
  • Double congratulations MW. (Did Arthur rex ever see the response I posted re Cuillin's column? Can't remember what thread it was on I'm afraid!)
  • Hope the meal went well.
  • Had an enjoyable meal last night. An artist friend presented me with a birthday card. On opening the envelope out slide a card on the front of which was a head and shoulders charcoal sketch of...guess who...and telling me to watch my step.  That pooch has really got his paws in the door. I feel as if I'm being hounded out.  I've just been invited as a panelist on BBC Somerset Sound next week. Apparently one of the other guests is going to be a dog whisperer.  I think I'll have a word in her ear about Arthur-Rex.  After all I can't have him taking the lead all the time can I?
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