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do photographs count as a success?

edited November 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • If so, I have two in the latest issue of England's Standard, the official journal of the Royal Society of St George.  I didn't think he'd use two out of the set I sent!  One is of Bembridge Windmill which you can see on my website, on the Thoughts From The Realms page, the other is looking down from the walls of Carisbrooke Castle at the castle buildings. No money, but a little more 'fame' and a chance for others to see my photographs.
  • Of course it's success, Dorothy! Well done!!
  • Congratulations!
  • I agree it is great success and another 'string to your bow.'  Well done.
  • Well done Dorothy.
    We visited Bembridge, and the windmill on our honeymoon. I had a postcard of the internal floor levels which I got framed when we came back home.
  • Wow DD.  Of course this is a success.  Very well done.
  • Yes, photographs count as a success!  Congrats DD!
  • That's fantastic Dorothy, I'm useless at taking photos.
  • Something about a picture painting a thousand words?

    Onward and upward, congratulations.
  • Absolutely, Dorothy.

    My in-laws are spending next week on the IoW  - I'm sure you'll hear my father-in-law.
  • Well done, Dorothy!
  • Well done!
  • Frankly anything that can be counted as success needs to be embraced. Who would be a writer? Well done you.
  • Well done Dorothy.
    Of course they count as a success.
  • Great news
  • Congratulations Dorothy. I think photographs can say an awful lot and are often what encourages people to read an article, too.
    Have to agree with Claudia that often people are more impressed by the photographs you have published than the text that accompanies them (or should that be the other way round). Where payment is made for photographs, especially if paid for serarately, the fee seems out of proportion to the effort involved compared to writing time.
    I hadn't heard of the Royal Society of St George, Dorothy. I presume you are a member yourself if you contribute to their magazine.
  • thank you, everyone.  Yes, I am a member of the Society, which seeks to promote all things and people English. It has many branches, I keep getting knocks about starting an Island branch but I don't want the work! Way too busy at the moment, and for the foreseeable future, I could not commit to it as I would need to.
  • Congratulations.  You must be thrilled that they used two. 
  • Personally, I think any success one achieves in the creative arts is brilliant. Definitely something to add to your portfolio/ CV. Well done!!
  • Published success definatly Dorothy. Congratulations.

    Many articles are easier to sell with good quality pics. Nothing new there of course, just that digital photography makes the option of providing pics with article so much easier.

    Good sign for the above that it was your pics they opted for Dorothy.
  • Well done, Dorothy, on your success!
  • I used to illustrate my articles with photographs, when I had an SLR and went looking for things. I have sold loads of 'funny' pics to magazines, they worked well for a long time.  Now I don't seem to go places as I used to when married, so that has fallen away quite a lot. I photograph 'nice' scenes for my magazine, which is pretty well all my own work in every respect.  I was pleased to see these in colour in the magazine (my magazine is black and white of necessity) as they came alive then. 
  • Definately success Dorothy.  Well done.  Is there any end to your talents?
  • Dorothy

    Have you used one of the new generation digital SLR cameras? They look and feel like an SLR , with changeable lenses, filter add ons, bounce flash etc, but with often 12 million pixels.
    Amazing results and quality, I would say the same as film now.
  • Well done DD!
  • My son is surgically attached to his digital SLR- well not really but you get the idea.
  • yes, there is an end to my talents, I can't do figures, as in maths or accounts or anything like that, without making a complete mess of it.

    Not tried one of the new SLRs, this ultra slim pocket sized camera is perfect for out and about round the Island, such as when a subscriber asked for Ventnor photos, please, so I took off there after lunch one Sunday, strolled for half an hour, took a stack of pics, went home, downloaded them, and the quality is fine for what I need.
    Right now pennies are needed for someone very unpleasant indeed, the tax man, come the end of January there will be a tax bill due.  I need to have some money put away by then.  Like soonest!  Yes, I could ask for a camera for Christmas, but - my partner has promised me something more useful, a huge capacity external drive, that will do fine! 
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