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Good Feeling

edited November 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • I am just doing the second draft of a children's book that I have written. I had put it away for a couple of months as I wasn't happy with it. Coming back and reading it afresh it is better than I thought and I'm feeling quite pleased with myself. I just need to overcome the fact that I am told it is a genre that Agents / publishers aren't looking for. It is similar in type to Wind in the Willows and the more rcent succeses The Willows in Winter etc. if anyone has any suggestions (other than just enjoying it myself) I would be grateful.
  • Who has told you it isn't a genre agents/publishers aren't looking for?  If it was agents and publishers then it might be a good idea to take notice!  Maybe you could revise it and weave in some new aspects to the plot that would make it meet the criteria they ARE looking for at the moment.
  • I don't think it matters what genre you write in, it's a problem for everyone.
    On another thread the Children's W&A book is mentioned. A friend had asked if I'd seen it, so I had a look when I was next in Waterstones. It looked useful, as it would allow you to look at the websites and see what is currently wanted, so you can target the publishers/Agents that look the most likely.
    Researching these is just as important as researching the type of book.
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