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Important date for your diaries!?


  • Hi everyone
    If anyone living in the Sevenoaks area of Kent is at a loose end on 3rd October, I'm giving a talk on 'Getting published' at Kemsing Library that evening at 7:30. The cost is a mere £2 a head, to include refreshments, and it's obviously an absolute bargain!
    I'd be delighted to see any of you there, even if you only come to heckle! I'll do another post as a reminder closer to the date.
  • Hi J, am near Kent but have step-daughter arriving back from S.Africa that day.  Have taken time off work before we nip over to Marbella for the weekend.  Sorry, otherwise would have come.
  • Wish I could be there.
    Spent many mornings driving (I was the passenger) along the old lanes to get to work.
    I haven't been back to Sevenoaks for a long time, and a lot had altered when I was last there.
    Hope it goes well.
  • True.  Have a great time, James.
  • I used to live in Kent (over 15 years ago now) and have visited Kemsing several times to play matches at its tennis club (don't know if that still exists). Will try to get along to your talk. Don't suppose there's any chance of turning it into a podcast for those who can't make it in person?

    Luv Kaz

    P.S. Meant to say, really well done on the new contract!
  • Congratulations and all success with your presentation.

    Unfortunately, like others, I will not be able to attend. However, we on Talkback do not need elucidating. It's the mass market you are enamouring.

    Good luck and enjoy.
  • I'd love to come, but I live a little bit too far away!
  • I would have come but am a bit far now as I am in Egypt but I wish you all the best with the talk
  • Hi Kaz
    Hope to see you at Kemsing. Podcast - I have a portable PA system, with a built-in recorder, that I use for talks, but the car was absolutely full on this trip, so I had to leave it in Andorra. But I'll ask if the library has a recording system.
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