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The Drabbler


  • As a n00b, I'm rather delighted that my sci-fi drabble (100-word piece of speculative fiction) has been chosen to appear in a fanzine-style anthology.  Apparently, I get a  copy of it and (...wait for it!) a $2.00 cheque! lol! (I'll have to frame that!)

    It's through SamsDotPublishing Drabbler no. 9 (Human Waste)

    PS I apologise in advance if I'm breaking any commercial rules in dropping the link, and won't be offended if Webbo pulls this as I'm really unsure about how these things go on Talkback.
  • Well done! No, Webbo doesn't mind links relating to our success stories.
  • It's good to hear of your success. Do you have to declare your $2 to the Inland Revenue?!!
  • Well done.
  • congratulations!
  • Oooh, good for you.  It all mounts up in the end.  Love, TTxx
  • Congratulations!
  • Good for you.
  • now i hope all this fame and fortune isnt going to your head!  dont go spending it all at once, will the company send round a lady to give you advice on how to spend it?

    a huge well done.  it gives us all great pleasure to hear sucesses.  here's to many more.
  • Apologies for dragging this one up but I've just received my copy of the Drabbler and my 1 US dollar!  ...and a letter telling me I won first prize, which was a book!

    Apprarently there were 81 entries, so I'm pleased and surprised.

    As there are so many enthusiastic writers on these forums, I offer the following URL as the entry rules if anyone wants to go in for Drabbler #10.  The theme is 'Haunted Spaceports'.


    Good luck!

    PS I also see in WN this month that samsdotpublishing are advertising for submissions to their other sci-fi/fantasy titles.
  • Well done!
  • Congrats
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