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edited July 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • Hello friends.  I'd to share news of a success that I have had - some good news that I don't get very often! 

    Some of you may remember that in January 2006 Betsie set us a little exercise to write about something that was in our fridge.  I wrote a poem called 'Sprouts.' 

    Well, with it having been on Talkback I checked with WM to see if I could still enter it into the 'Christmas' poetry competition.  They said I could - so I did.  Now I have had an e-mail telling me that I have won 2nd prize.  My first ever writing competition win! 

    The e-mail came at just the right time as I was feeling very low again.  Of course, the down -side is that my alias will be blown and you will all know who Hush Puppy really is!

    On top of that, I was talking to the Editor of our local newspaper about.  He has asked me to write an article on 'Hypnotherapy and stopping smoking.' 

    Having just returned from 10 days in Germany, I had better get to work....

    Hush Puppy
  • Hey!  Well done you!  Enjoy the glory, and bask in it to your heart's content :o)
  • brilliant news, and get writing!
  • HP you've made my day - that's wonderful news - well done.
  • HP -  Congratulations! Shows that great oaks can from little ...... sprouts ....... grow!!!
  • I've just waded through the mists of time and found said poem - and yes, it deserves to win. 
  • Well done, HP - great news.
  • Well done HP, glad the news perked you up a bit.
    Hopefully more successes will follow.
  • Well done, nice to hear your good news.
  • Well done HP.  I remember you posting that poem actually as it was very amusing.  We used to have fun with Betsie's exercises didn't we.
  • Well done from me HP! (I got your e-mail... will reply when I can...)
  • High-five, HP! Will also get back to you soon.
  • Congratulations Hush Puppy!
  • Well done!

    Who'd have thought sprouts could be so productive?! Lol!
  • Well done!
  • Thank you everyone, and a special thanks to Betsie for setting the exercise that prompted me to write it!

  • I have just found myself on the website of the Crediton Country Courier! Anyone interested can look at www.creditoncouriernewspaper.co.uk Then click on 'News' on the left hand side, then 'Paper review' and I am the last article as you scroll down. The picture isn't very good though!
  • Good to hear sprouts are good for something! :-)
  • Excellent: just shows there are no dull subjects - only dull writers (my favourite little adage) Well done and congratulations.
  • That's great! Lovely to see what you look like too!
  • Well done, HP - your fame is spreading. Or should I say sprouting?!!!
  • congratulations!
  • Well done HP.
  • Well done HP.
  • Well done HP - it's also nice to put a face to a name.
  • Well done. I love your brilliant Pam Ayre's flavoured poem.
  • I should have noticed sooner that this was under 'Writing Successes'. Congratulations!
  • Great stuff, Hush Puppy. It was nice to read it again. Timeless Christmas prose!
  • Thanks everyone. It's useful to keep in with the people at your local paper. I mentioned the other week that the hypnotherapy was a bit slow (to say the least!). They are doing a feature on 'Women in business' in a future issue. They have asked me if I would like to move my ad into it, and they will do an article and photo to go with it.
  • That would be a great help.
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