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Ghostly experiences

edited July 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • Has anyone had a ghostly experience, or something that cannot be explained?
  • yea two at my work weird and am not the only one to see things.
  • The building I work in is rennovated 17th century granary and supposedly a little boy was killed by the machinery.  Lets just say it isn't unusual for large rounds of cheese to be thrown across the maturing room!.

    Also, a good friend of mine died from a stroke in April, which hit me hard.  I've learnt to live without her, but I will never get over losing her (even as I write I can feel a lump forming in my throat).  For days we were plagued by coats being thrown to the floor, a freezing cold laundry room and noises coming from the dairy when no-one was down there.  After a few days I came to the realisation that it was her time and she was ready to go, and I heard someone going down the stairs and a door slamming shut!.
  • The first time we visited Uppark in West Sussex (this was after the big fire and renovation) we went into the dairy and for a moment I saw a man lounging back in a chair near the wall.

    At a guess I'd say his clothes were late 18th/early 19th century.

    The next time we went there visitors weren't allowed to go into the dairy any more but had to look over a half-door.
  • I've had a few ghostly experiences but deny most of them as I don't have someone to talk about it. If you want to know more...
  • We do Sal, we do.  My mother, The Chief and I have all had heaps. I never 'saw' anything in the house I grew up in but there was often the sound of someone walking down the hallway at night when no human was there. In the same house, my sister saw a glass slide about 2 feet along the kitchen bench top, a ceiling fan used to switch itself on at full speed, my mother's and my music boxes would both start playing if ever we talked about supernatural experiences, and an electric heater came on once when the Chief was home by himself. Every time he turned it off, it turned itself back on. When he checked the switch, it wasn't even plugged in at the wall - he categorically refused to stay there on his own after that. (The house has since been sold.)

    When I was living in a flat once, I dreamt of a creepy little old lady who 'stared' straight through me, giving me the evil eye. I awoke in hysterics as it felt so real. The Chief said I'd described word for word his aunty - the dead one.
    More recently in her new house, my mother has been woken at night by dreams of people touching or prodding at her. Firstly, an old faceless man whom she screamed at to get out of her bedroom and then a little girl with hair in ringlets - same scenario.  She, like me, doesn't mind dreaming about the dead but without going into details, these dreams have been really scary. I've already taken up far too much space and there's heaps more to tell. (Must be our ghostly English ancestry.)
  • where do you want me to start????
  • Ha!  Dorothy, you would need a separate thread for all yours :o)

    I've seen/heard my two dead cats (one recently put to sleep) - distinct miaows behind me, or a black/grey streak in the corner of my field of vision.

    My grandfather turned up in a dream about a year after he died, smiling at me.  That was a comfort.
  • Had many - from grandparents waking me up the night they died to the house we live in now. There are two ladies here, who we have both seen on several occassions. One is dressed in white, the other in black.

    On investigation, we found that one of the previous owners (a doctor, but I think that has no bearing) was widowed twice. The first wife was called Blanche, the second Mercedes. There are many weird situations surronding their appearances, but I don't want to hog the thread. They've inspired one of my short stories.
  • Yes i have had many, just can't explain them :(
  • Thomas the cat who died just over a year ago, still slips round the front room door, I'm sure Jess see's him because she starts miaowing rather pathetically.
  • I had a horrible creepy feeling while driving past a piece of moorland once. Then found out it was Culloden Moor.
  • Acceptable.
  • When my daughter was 2 and a half, we were sitting in the kitchen extension of our last cottage, which was 200 years old. We were having tea when Em studiedly watched something go from one end of the room to the other. I asked her what she was looking at, and she said, "Who was that man mummy?" I asked her 'what man' of course, and she said he went into the lounge. We hadn't seen anything. She said he was grey and had a flat hat on. When we next went out, she pointed to someone in a cap, and said it was like that.

    So I know for sure ghosts exist -she was way to young to be making it up, even though she was very procoscious. (I can't spell that word!).

    We found out that where our kitchen extension was was on the site of a path, an old street, and down the side of the walled garden were shops -you could still see some of the outlines of the windows. He was walking along that street.

    When my dad died I felt him touch my hair - I felt he might be saying goodbye, and then my brother phoned to say my dad had died.
  • I should point out that my dad was terminally ill at the time!
  • Friend and I were chased across a field by 'something' when we were about 15. It was after midnight and in the vicinity of the ruins of the abbey at Netley Abbey on the outskirts of Southampton.
  • Surely there are lots of "somethings" running around in fields Scratch, especially at night. Eg wabbit, rats, foxes ....
  • This wabbit was awound six feet tall and dark and scary and no weal defined shape - and moved vewwy fast.
  • and you were, what, 15? me tthinks you may have been.... smokin .....
  • I wouldn't necessarily say that I believe in ghosts, but I had a close friend who died last year and when I have feelings of doubt (i.e money or sheer exhaustion) I can feel her urging me on. You know what, something always happens to improve things.
  • Aww Stirling, that's really nice. Must be comforting for you.
  • I was walking through the graveyard of a 15th century manor one dark and stormy night and felt sure of a presence walking behind me. The next day I was told the place was haunted by a green - white - headless lady who had met an 'orrible and untimely death nearby. I was told it was genuine as the manor's owner's uncle's, brothers, friend's , cousin had also seen this phantasmic, supernatural, uncanny, spine-chilling, hair raising, blood curdling, sinister apparition. So it must be true.
  • Ya musta bin real scared, wot wiv yer spine chilled an' yer hair raised an' yer blood curdled, an' all that!
  • On the weekend I lost a burmese cat we were sitting watching tv in the evening and heard the cat flap go - it wasn't windy and no live cat could be seen indoors or outside when we investigated. Also in the evening of the day I lost Kizzy I'm sure she sneezed behind me!
  • Too many to mention. Still do occasionally. Have written about them and had them published. More twixt heaven and earth and all that....
  • as a child i had great grandmother appear in a dream on the night she died. My parents have both described seeing a dead relative in their dreams on their respective nights of death when they were children. Also when a kid i was sitting on the cabin bed and heard heavy breathing in my room when I was completely alone. I held my breath but could still hear it, and then footsteps across the floor as though it was a wooden floor, though my floor has an albeit thin carpet. It continued until I lost my nerve and ran into the bathroom where dad was fixing the towel rail. My sister when i told her, said she'd heard the same thing when she was younger. We also have occasional visitations from our past two cats, like brushing against my ankles when i'm standing at the stove, or catching the flash of movement by the bathroom door as though they're dashing past.
    That's lovely to have managed to published about them, Jany. That's sweet of Kizzy, Alik!
  • Fascinating reading, but I 'm still frightened if I read ghost stories, real or fictional. I was at a spiritualist performance in a theatre once when the medium pointed to a lady near me and
    told her that her friend was there, who had died of throat cancer and I had dreadful pain in my throat/neck as a result; every time I think about it, the same thing happens. I wouldn't go
    to any more performances.

    My mother was told by a medium that her husband was in the room; he was killed or sent to a concentration camp but, as she was in England, she didn't know, so she said: "He
    can't be here, he isn't dead." The medium said "He is and he'd like to pick your daughter like a flower and bring her to you." She still didn't believe the medium but, two days later she
    received a letter from me telling her that my father and most of our relatives were dead, but I was still alive.
  • that's terribly creepy Verica!!! I'm sorry though that your mother went through that...i couldn't imagine how heartbreaking that kind of experience would be.
  • I've had quite a few; dead pets, footsteps upstairs when I'm the only one at home, feelings of not being alone, especially after my father died suddenly. At home recently I saw a figure out of the corner of my eye, stood watching me. It wasn't scary, quite comforting in fact.
  • Twice in recent years, I've seen someone I knew only vaguely walk by me in the shops, only to be told the next day that they'd died. Both would have been either in hospital or already dead when I 'saw' them. Creepy. :(
  • *smiles* i've heard that people sometimes when they're close to death fix their minds on what they would be doing right now if they were healthy...if it's something they wanted to do so much, they will do it through their spirit. One example was the woman who 'attended' the Sunday church service very close to her death...it's rather comforting I think to know that the spirit is this strong.
  • It isn't creepy, or scary, Nena and Verica, it is normal and part of our psyche. I live and work with spirit, as you know. You are both highly sensitive, as is everyone who has posted here. I had the perfect metaphor for this yesterday, at lunch.

    I was sitting on a stool at a table in front of the glass cabinet full of cakes (which I can't eat, sob sob) which reflected back to me all that was going on in the Koffee Bar, out in the street, even and yet I could see through it to the people working behind the cabinet, Sue getting my coffee, Babs making my salad ... at the time I asked myself which was the real world. Then I thought, the real world is here, where I am, the spirit world is beyond the glass but I can see it clearly. This is what you are doing. Verica, what you experienced was clairsentience. Clair means clear, so clairvoyant is clear seeing, clairaudient clear hearing and clauirsentent clear feeling. You are a clairsentient and that means a highly sensitive person. Feel proud of yourself!
  • I think I will add my two bits worth to the haunted supernatural theme, when I was a baby, a ghost visited my nursery. My uncle followed it with a poker, fearing for my safety,another time was the ghost of a WAF officer, probably killed during the war. If you really want to sense the supernatural, go and visit Sandford Orcas down in Dorset, that has hostile and friendly ghosts although most are of the former. When we were up in Scotland, Mum found a sash clasp that possibly dated back to the battles between the Scots and the English, she even sensed the noise of battle and marching feet. Also the same experience on the viaduct at Pont St Esprit. I sometimes think that this house has a supernatural element as some time back, Mum accused me of turning the dial up on our Aga when we had gas and I hadn't been anywhere near and also something else happened as well in the bathroom, soap and towels had been thrown around. I had shut the bathroom door and there was no sign of a cat when I shut the door yet Mum reckoned that was the only solution so something let her in.
  • oh wow Woll! I will definitely try to visit there
  • I am currently having a little bit of a problem with what we belieive to be a ghost in our back bedroom. Who insists on thunping the bedroom door whenever I am in the bathroom and terrifying the life out of me. My office is actually in the hallway under the stairs, (it's a lot bigger than it sounds), but I also hear footsteps running up and down the stairs all the time too. A spiritualist friend of mine says it's a little girl, but I've had a look into the history of the house and as far as I can tell there has never been a little girl living there, but the footsteps are light, like they would be if it were a child.

    Being the sap I am I had to have 'him indoors', lurking around on the landing while I had my shower the other night, it was that bad!!!
  • TR, as the resident medium on this board ... you might not go back far enough with your history to find the little girl, she could be from a time before your house stood there, as it were. My friend and I sit regularly for a seance in her home which is built on the site of an old schoolhouse, which burned down at the beginning of the 20th century and a row of shops was built in its place. We get the children visiting and the teachers, from time to time. Now, about your resident 'guest'. She means you no harm, they usually make that kind of noise to attract your attention. Ask your spiritualist friend to put you in touch with someone who can come and gently move the child on into the light, then you will be free of her influence. It can be done, gently and without bell, book and candle, too.
  • Thanks Dorothy...I will do that.
  • edited May 2008
    I was going to ask how far back you had gone in the history of the house. Dorothy has clarified what I was thinking.
    It is surprising how many houses are built on the site of old ones.
    Our estate was built on farm land. But there was 'something' under the ground of the living room of our previous house (on the same estate) that unsettled my husband and his family that they could 'feel'. It was not a happy home for us.
    I always wondered if something had happened on that spot.
  • that would have been worth checking out, Carol, and the bad feeling cleared. Sometimes all it needs is someone coming in with unconditional love and a lot of understanding to 'clear' a property.
  • What was strange was that the people who we bought it from had lived there since it was built, happily enough. Likewise the people who bought it from us lived there many years too.
    It just wasn't happy for us. It was a great relief when we moved out and into our current home.
  • which tells me you were/are more sensitive than they were. Some people simply don't pick up the vibrations in the way others do. When I first walked into this house I knew I wanted it, long before I saw all the rooms. Other houses have put me off instantly.
  • I know just what you mean Dorothy. The house we have now just seemed welcoming- we've been here nearly 20 years.
  • I had exactly the same feeling about this flat Dorothy. The door opens into the lounge and it just felt so right, and warm and welcoming. Because the whole purchase went through so painlessly and subsequent events have occurred which I'm sure wouldn't have happened if I'd lived elsewhere, I'm sure I was meant to have this flat.
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