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Balderdash and Piffle

edited January 2007 in - Reading


  • The BBC has web pages with the latest OED word searches. There's going to be a second series of B&F. I really enjoyed the first one.

  • Oooh, ooh, oooh, goodie!

    I loved it before, but I missed many of them because I'm the only word-buff in the house.

    Thanks for the advance notice!
  • The website has the words they're looking at this year.
    But why don't you try sending your info on the relevant item from last year directly to the OED?
  • There was a taster program on a few days ago. One item stuck in my memory, "Plowmans Lunch" apparently invented by the Milk Marketing Board in 1962!!!
  • At the risk of resurrecting a dead file: I thought Talkbackers might like to know that the new series of Balderdash & Piffle starts this Friday, 10pm on BBC2 (repeated Mondays 11.20pm). Guest word-hunters include Jo Brand, Arthur Smith, Marcus Brigstocke, and Suggs...
  • Why are they putting it on so late? It is a great programme, and deserves an earlier slot.
    Thanks for letting us know the details, I'd have missed it otherwise.
  • Carol - maybe they think word-lovers all stay up late reading dictionaries!
  • Thanks for the reminder - loved the first series!
  • Thanks for that - I wouldn't have known it was on, either.
  • The previous series is now published in book form by the BBC
  • Here's the BBC webpages for the series with some detail about the programmes this year.

  • I've tried to see the first two parts, but something is conspiring to stop me, last week it was the boys sorting their photos (boys being hubby and Rory!)Then tonight an important phone call.
    I saw the last two minutes- lovely phrase there, about a Dictionary being man's best friend- something like that.
  • I might be childish, but I was just chuffed they included the phrase 'the dog's b****cks'!  It's a great phrase, though I was surprised the BBC allowed it to be said aloud on their channel.  I don't know *sigh* what IS the world coming to, allowing such 'filth' onto what was once a high-brow channel...?  Hihihi!
  • That's obviously why it's on at 10.00 in the evening!
  • I'm enjoying this series too. It fits in nicely whilst waiting for the Johnathan Ross show - did any one see that? A hoot or what?
  • The BBC seem to be selective with the watershed controls. On JR all the swearing, and their is a lot, is always bleeped out. I find that an insult to my intelligence. The first show of this series, or last one , didn't bleep and it felt more natural, but nothing since. I mean he's not Parky he's Johnathan Ross, a league of his own so let it be real.
  • "their is a lot,"

    ST maybe you need to buy a dictionary too!
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