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A big incentive


  • As an incentive to those seeking publication the traditional route, and food for thought for those who're considering self-publishing, here's a quote from my friend Heather Brewer's blog:

    Loyal minions, in my hand I'm currently holding the largest check that I have ever had the great fortune of holding. Plus, it's made out to ME! In short, Auntie Heather just got her first ever check for something she's written. 

    Yup. She refined her YA novel to perfection, queried agents, snagged a good one, who in turn snagged her a good deal with a good publisher. The result? "...the largest check that I have ever had the great fortune of holding."

    You can see her blog at http://blogsbite.blogspot.com/ and her website (designed by me, of course) at http://www.heatherbrewer.com/

    This is her first novel. It can be done.
  • In the early 1990s a woman joined a WEA creative writing class when her fourth child went to university.

    One week she wrote a story for homework and the rest of the class said she ought to make it into a novel, so eventually she did.

    She managed to find a mainstream publisher and is now a much-published author.

    She came to talk to our WEA class, just to prove - as Mike says - that it can be done.
  • look what I just found ...
  • Well done for raising it, Dorothy. I am on the 'refining' stage at present. Nearly there ;) .
  • every good wish for it, Dwight.
    The refining stage is actually fun. I am doing that with Henry's book at the moment, working through my editor's requests for revisions and expansions and it is surprising how much can come out and how much can go in to replace it.
  • Hope it goes well Dwight.
  • Good luck, Dwight.

    When I say this thread I thought "Hey, Mike's back!"
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