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The writer's marathon 'nanowrimo'

edited October 2005 in - Writing Tales


  • Has anybody tried nanowrimo?  The idea is to write 50,000 words in November.  I did it in 2003 and it is very hard work but fantastic fun after it's finished.  The fun part is that quality is not an issue, it's the quantity that's important.  It is popular in the USA and growing in popularity every year.  Quite a few UK writers attempt it.  The amazing thing is that forcing yourself to write almost 2,000 words a day for 30 days consecutively produces some good writing, oh and some rubbish, but as they say 'it's easier to edit a page of rubbish than a blank page'.
  • I took part in this last year, and while i only managed to write 25 000 words, it was still lots of fun and the most i'd written for a long time! I'm hoping to take part again this year too, if my MA and work leave me time that is!
  • Great idea Draven for no doubt it will improve your CV and your MA to some extent but if you are doing it in creative writing and have other projects, I would leave it for a year until you have got your MA for if you have assignments, then you don't want to sacrice good marks for getting too distracted. Believe me, it is so easy to fall into that trap.
  • edited February 2008
    Brought this up because I wondered whether anyone else has tried it yet? I've done it twice and it's quite good fun, but I'd be interested to know how others got on.

    Here is a link to a funny and helpful article on editing a novel which I saw on their website.

  • Hi, FT. Have you tried 'search'? I'm sure this has come up before.
  • Yes, Jay. That's where I found this thread, and I think you posted on another later one.
  • Drat! How do I do a smilie again?
  • colon, dash, bracket
  • A couple of people from my old writers' group in Milton Keynes did this, and thoroughly enjoyed it. One even kept a mini-diary of her experience, which made really entertaining reading afterwards!
  • Thanks, Amboline. :-)
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