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letting a reader use my poem

edited January 2008 in - Writing Tales
I wonder if I've done the right thing. A rather slushy little Christmas poem of mine is in the Peoples Friend Christmas edition. A reader has contacted them to say how much she enjoyed it - Wonderful! It's like getting fan mail. But she says she makes home made Christmas cards to send to her friends and family (not for sale or profit) and wants permission to use my poem in the ones she makes next year. I was flattered enough to say yes, as long as she acknowledges/copyrights me so my name gets a mention. Did I do the right thing?


  • I think so. You would seem churlish to say no, when you had the item printed, it is when people steal them from the Internet and don't acknowledge the poet or author that I feel it is wrong. That was a lovely compliment to you!
  • Thanks Dorothy. You're right. I've already been paid for it, and it is a great compliment.
  • Just think next Christmas many more people will be touch by your words. I think it is wonderful. Well done.
  • Thank you Butterfly. Maybe I should try and sell it to a card company?
  • There's an article in the Feb Writing magazine on writing for greetings cards. The Greetings Card Association website is www.greetingscardsassociation.co.uk and apparently has info on writing for this industry - if anyone is interested.
  • edited January 2008
    A lovely compliment and as they aren't intended for profit, I don't see any reason not to agree as long as you are acknowledged.
    I think there is something in the latest WM on verses for cards.
    See it's already been mentioned.
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