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Public Lending Right (library borrowings)

edited January 2008 in - Writing Tales
I've just been notified that I'll be receiving over £50 in respect of last year's Public Lending Right (payment for library borrowings). The Dandelion Clock brought in a massive £34!

So if you want to help a fellow Talkbacker, but don't want to shell out for the book, ask your local library to get hold of a copy for you.

You can read excerpts from all my books at



  • And check if your county is in the list for submitting for assessment, as not all counties are. If you have a book that might do well in a library, it might be worth donating a copy.
    Well done Jay.
  • Thanks, Carol. Don't they do it on a rota basis?
  • I'm not sure how long each bit lasts. A few of the writers at our club, who produce/d books on local history, walks etc, only started to increase their PLR payments about five years ago when Nottinghamshire came onto the list.
  • Just noticed - The Dandelion Clock was borrowed a staggering 568 times.
  • Good news, Jay!
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