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Alternative New Year Resolutions

edited January 2008 in - Writing Tales

My first online article of the year. Short and not detailed. I could have gone into more detail on some bits, but that wasn't my aim.


  • Well done Carol - and I was right again about you being the wise woman! - timely advice indeed.
  • I'm going for the de-cluttering, handbag clearing and free make-up session. I don't have credit cards, so no problem with them. All sensible advice, Carol. Thank you.
  • I did the usual ones last year, so I thought these type of things were good alternatives- I need a repeat handbag declutter at the moment.
  • Well done Carol! :-) Have been reviewing my finances this week. Not the most interesting task but I do it at this time every year and it does help. With npower having announced their price rises this week, I was tempted to swap over, but the prediction is that all the other providers will be doing the same thing, so I'm hanging fire. Didn't know that about the mascara. I've had mine for ages! It's rather expensive and lasts a very long time; would loathe to chuck it!
  • You probably won't have much trouble, but it is always a possibility (as obviously the eyelashes trap dust and dirt as part of their job).
    I was looking at changing energy supplier before Christmas, and used the Which comparison website, and in fact Npower looked the best , but I will now need to run another comparison to see which company will be best.
  • Good one! I carry only essentials, my utility bills and credit cards are paid by direct debit, so I don't run up bills and do get discounts, so I'm pretty well there financially. Oh, I don't wear any makeup, so that is a huge saving. Very useful advice for those who are not always able to see the wood for the trees when it comes to finances.
  • edited January 2008
    Especially at the moment. I was paying my credit card bill from Christmas today :(
    Dorothy, you are the most together person I know.

    (Now later on)

    I'm already planning my Valentine's Day shopping guide for next month.
  • Seen the cards in the shops already ...
    I have had to make myself a together person, no man around to help, well, not on this side of life anyway, and the ones who are on the other side of life never gave money a thought. I mean ... one of the Earl's properties was Sandringham. He never worried about credit card bills or heating allowances, he tells me. He threw money around like water. Lucky him.
  • Yes, that was the problem in those earlier centuries, money didn't have the same meaning or importance as it does now.
  • All good advice Carol thanks.
  • Excellent article and advice, Carol. Did you see the new programme on TV this week - a regular from now on I believe - where the presenter gives good advice how to save money, some of it by claiming it back?
  • Well done Carol.
  • Verica, was it a programme by itself, or a part of another programme?
  • Carol I think your article makes a great deal of sense and far more likely that people will keep up with resolutions they have broken down into small portions. Well done.

    I imagine Verica is referring to "It Pays To Watch" on Five TV Wednesday 7.30pm. Martin Lewis, who has taken part in other programmes giving money saving advice, now has his own show. He is giving ideas for both money saving and ways to reclaim money that may have been overpaid as well as including tips from viewers. This mirrors his Money Saving Expert website. Hope that helps, although from your article I think you will already be familiar with many of his ideas.
  • May have missed it, but did the trousers turn up, Carol?!!
  • Thanks Wordy, I only watch 5 when there is something I want to specifically watch. Much of it is common sense now, but a lot of people often don't know how to go about these things, and think it is very difficult.All it needs is being pointed in the right direction, or told where to look.

    Daisy, no sign yet!
  • Great article, Carol. I don't make resolutions any more - that way I have nothing to break and no confidence to lose when I break them.
  • Congratulations Carol!
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