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Getting a bit better at this writing game, after a long break

edited January 2008 in - Writing Tales
Yesterday I heard that Eternal Spirit like my article on Djinns and Best of British has taken my article, a nostalgia piece, on Boxing Day trips to Southend-on-Sea. WN has taken an article on the way people walk and want some more basic writing type articles. I think I had best stop wasting time reading research books and do some more writing ... !


  • Wonderful news Dorothy, and we'll all look forward to reading some of them in WN.
  • That's good news Dorothy. I look forward to reading your articles.
  • That's great news, Dorothy.
  • Well done, Dorothy! I look forward to reading your WN articles.
  • Well done Dorothy!
  • Well done on two acceptances in one day, Dorothy.

    Have you had pieces in Best of British before? So far they have published two of my articles, one after holding it for six months and another after two years. I thought the second one lost but I did eventually get the photos back along with the payment. However, they have had two articles now since January 2006 and a further two since April 2006. Apart from requesting I send the photographs I had told them I had to accompany the articles I have heard nothing more. I also know of someone who submitted an article with photographs seven years ago. When he contacted them he was told they were being kept on file.

    I have other ideas I am sure would fit their style but am holding back until they use at least one of those they already have. I hope that your article has better luck, Dorothy. At least it has a seasonal theme. Good luck.
  • Congratulations, Dorothy.
  • Well done!
  • Thanks people. No, I've not submitted to Best of British before, but knew the seasonal item I had would fit well, as it is nostalgia of the type they like. I'm used to the long wait for publication, Evergreen and This England are the same, I had an article in Evergreen on the Dymock poets some years ago. I tend to write and then forget about them. It's good to know my first submission there was accepted. Now I need to think of some more!
  • Well done Dorothy. No slacking now! hehe
  • edited January 2008
    A good start to the new year Dorothy. Onward and upward. Best wishes from Josette.
  • Well done. You deserve the success.
  • Brilliant news, Dorothy. Well done.
  • HP, love the dog icon, got such a sweet face.
  • Well done Dorothy - no chance of being bored this year!!

    (HP - what a lovely icon, reminds me of our Beagle!)
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