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Taking it on the chin - surprising how helpful they can be

edited January 2008 in - Writing Tales
Last year I tried to write a treatment for The House of Echoes, or rather the first page or so of a script. I tried to get some feedback and only recently received it from the agent as he had been frightfully busy. He gave me some honest feedback and I responded as positively as possible. Guess what gels and boys, he is sending me a copy of his book on scriptwriting for £10.00. I told him that I am not giving up, I am persevering and that I am currently doing a course and will endeavour to follow the rest of his advice and that of Barbara Erskine. The keywords is to take it on the chin. While the criticism might be forthright, accept it as they know what they are talking about yet take it on the chin, be quite surprised how helpful they can be.


  • A positive response Woll, and we can only learn by trying, rejection and acceptance. Keep going.
    Are you recovered from your fall, now?
  • Can't help wondering whether the agent hustled you into buying his book? If so, this is not very professional on his part. But you're right about taking the criticism on the chin. Remember, however it's only his opinion. Another agent may see it differently.
  • Don't know much about it. But is it not necessary to buy or option the rights to a novel before writing the screenplay? Also, would they not want an established scriptwriter to do a book adaptation? Maybe it would be better to write an original script. But hats off for trying. Best of luck.
  • By writing an original screenplay, you are showing what you can do. A production company would be very unlikely to use an unknown writer for such a project as they cannot risk a large amount of money on an unknown- they are probably missing a lot of talent, but that is a financial reality for all writers.
    I know a couple of writers who are into screenplays. One of them has gone on to make a couple of low budget films of his scripts, and last year received Arts Council funding to advance his training and produce more.
  • That is encouraging, Carol. I am working on something at the moment called Cloud of Suspicion. In fact I am about to have my supper and break off but it is coming along and looks more promising. Needs some research though in certain areas
  • Persevere Woll.
    It is a very difficult area to break into, but very worthwhile.
    Good luck.
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