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Back from ABNA

edited January 2008 in - Writing Tales
I didn’t make the first round. So now I’ll probably be hanging around here a lot more. *licks wounds* No, really I’m quite relieved – you can’t imagine the stress I’ve been under this last week. It’s worse than your usual competition because it’s all out there in the open. Most competitions I enter I just post off my manuscript and forget about it. With ABNA having a forum and countdown and all that X-factor stuff it made it seriously clock-watching stuff. Now I’m back to wondering if I’ll get anywhere in the Times/Chickenhouse comp, in the Legend Short Story comp, in the other comp I entered which I can’t remember the name of and with my various novels that are with various publishers. The phrase goes something about fish in the sea?

Anyone wants to see who did get through - www.amazon.com/abna


  • Take heart Josie, we all have our doubts at times.
    This one obviously wasn't for you.
    You will do it eventually- perhaps even sooner.
  • Hi Josie

    I'd been watching the ABNA board with interest. Sorry you didn't make it through but I see Al and Le from YWO didn't either. Oh well, like you say, plenty more things to look forward to. There's always YWO's Book of the Year awards - how many have you got entered for that, must be at least three, isn't it?
    Have you been reading the extracts from the Chickenhouse competition? Makes interesting reading.
    Onwards and upwards.

  • Next time Josie! It's a hard slog but worth it in the end.
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