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Space Captain Smith by Toby Frost out in May

edited January 2008 in - Writing Tales
I wanted to ask you a favour. Can you pop up to my friends website: http://www.spacecaptainsmith.com/index.php His book Space Captain Smith is due out in May. It is brilliant. If you love fantasy and tongue in cheek comedy along with a roaring good story, then this might be for you. You'll find character discriptions amoungst other things and an audio sample of the book. Sit back and listen it is fun. I've been privy to the odd sample chapter at our writers circle and can't wait to read the whole book.
We are also after people voting on his Utube video. So If you are a member of Utube type in Space Captain smith by Toby Frost and if you can please leave a comment or rate it or do both.
If you like what you see please tell others.

Many thanks.


  • Loved it! It looks brilliant. My cup of tea. I've taken the details of his publisher; I might send them my MS! I can't believe they're in Newcastle. I lived there for 10 years. Only left in 2004. Still go up to visit friends ... ooops, just realised I forgot to look at the video bit. Will go back and do that. Then need to get cracking with me own writing.
  • The website's great, Butterfly.
  • Will check it out presently Butterfly
  • Thanks for this. Please keep this at the top so more people get to see it.
  • Bump back up
  • Will check it and leave a comment.
  • Bump back up
  • Do keep bumping this to the top. I promise I will get around to checking it out and leave a comment.
  • Can I join in the bump? I've been privy to early readings of this too, and it's fab.
  • Always interested in children's writers so I shall take a look.
  • Hi JonP its me, that children's writer from VWC. How you doing?
    Tracy, I don't think Space Captain Smith is really a children's book, but if children are fifteen and over they'd love it.
  • Hiya, Butterfly. As if I didn't know who you were ...

    (back to lurking ...)
  • Well! I've just been up on YouTube and found another video with Space Captain Smith by Toby on. It is from Myrmidon Books anouncing their Spring releases. I've just rated it and put a comment.
  • Bump back up
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