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My short story has been selected for an anthology

edited January 2008 in - Writing Tales
I heard yesterday but didn’t tell anyone until I was clear that it was okay to blog about it, as sometimes publishers like to keep things under wraps initially. It’s Legend Press, the same publisher who published an anthology last year that my story was in, and I submitted another this year hoping they’d like my story but secretly panicking that last year was a fluke. Well now they’ve accepted this one, I can’t pretend that they’re just being nice to me! I’ve had lots of compliments from the publishers about the story, saying it’s very strong and doesn’t need much editing and they’ve selected it for the opening story as well!

What with all that’s been going on with Legend Press recently, I had wondered if they’d forgotten about the poor little shorts anthology, but lo! An email flew into my box yesterday from Emma the Intrepid saying that the story I submitted will be in ‘Eight Hours’ – huzzah! It’s been selected as the first one too! A few minor corrections have been made to my story (and presumably the other authors are receiving theirs for corrections as well) and the cover design is yet to be done, but it will be similar to the cover for Seven Days.

The next few months are set to be a rollercoaster ride of marketing the new book. It will be published in March, which is really quick in the world of publishing. I’ve already forged a lot of pathways with Seven Days, but they could do with a bit more forging I’m sure. Like a white horse on a chalk cliff, I’ll have to dig it over every year to keep my mark there.

Publication date is set at 29th March, all being well. An extract will appear on my website forthwith!


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