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Josie’s bloody brilliant news

edited February 2008 in - Writing Tales
In case anyone reading this hasn’t already heard, yesterday I travelled to London to meet with my publisher (of short stories in their collection) to discuss my novel (which I gave them last March – a different one to the one I submitted for abna). I was trying not to get overexcited about it because nothing is ever certain in this world. But the fact that I was invited to London to discuss and not just sent an email or letter suggests that it’s positive. Meanwhile I organised it so that my trip coincided with a book event that evening so I could meet some of the other authors. I had planned to infiltrate the audience and behave like an adoring fan. However, at the last minute I was asked to be one of the panel to talk about how to promote yourself as an author (wouldn’t you just know they’d ask me to do that?).

So in the afternoon I discussed my novel over beer and nachos, sputtering at the appropriate moments and managing to remember to ask the questions I wanted to and even remember to write the answers down. (Though in retrospect I probably should have written them before I started drinking, lol). Then I had a tour around the publishers’ office and met an agent who was coming to the book event that evening, and started to feel like a celebrity. Because, you see….

They want my book and they're going to publish it! Erk! In July! Omigod!!! I've got a month to edit it and they're already doing a marketing plan. It feels like after years of the desert I'm suddenly flooded and just can't get my head round it. I’m in a complete state today. That and the fact that I didn't get home till 1.20 this morning and then couldn't sleep.

Thanks everyone for the feedback and congrats. I did everything I was supposed to. We discussed the contract (I’ve already signed with them for short stories, so wanted to know whether there was a difference). There will be an ‘option’ clause, but there’s an easy get-out as well for both parties, and he suggested I go to the Society of Authors as I don’t have an agent. I made sure they know I’m good to work with, have already proved I’m not precious but reiterated this and agreed to make all the changes I want to it myself but let them edit it afterwards (actually that’s a weight off my mind!). Then during the evening I was flogging the books by the other authors so I think they know that I’m good for business!

PS in case I haven't already said, the publisher is Legend Press www.legendpress.co.uk


  • Congratulations, Josie! Marvellous news. :-)
  • edited February 2008
    Josie, that's fantastic news - absolutely brilliant. Let's hope it flies off the shelves! Can you give us the title now?
  • brilliant stuff, Josie, no wonder you're flying!!!!
  • Wonderful news Josie. We're breaking out the virtual champagne, and the sparkling apple juice or water for those who don't drink alcohol.
  • Result! :)
    Look forward to reading it.
  • Wow Josie - WELL DONE! What's it like up there in the clouds? :-D
  • Congratulations, Josie! What great news! No wonder you couldn't sleep after such a brilliant day. I'll have the water, Carol, thank you, but you can all drink champagne - virtual or real.
  • Brilliant! Let us know how it all goes.

    There's a bit in December's Writers' News about their managing director, Tom Chalmers, who made the shortlist for the UK Young Entrepreneur of the Year.
  • Many congratulations
  • Well done Josie!
  • Congrats, Josie!
  • well done Josie - wonderfull news
  • JOSIE!! I'm so excited for you. Many congratulations. Don't worry about sleep. Enjoy these fabulous moments! Now, where is the champagne?
  • Josie, this is fantastic. You must have to chain your feet to the floor to keep you from floating up in the air and out of the skylight. It's so wonderful to hear such good news, it inspires us to keep going. If you keep on with the hard work it can be done. Thank you for sharing this.
  • Dear Josie - such great news. Many congratulations. All best wishes, and hope you enjoy *every* minute of the present reward for all your effort.

  • FANTASTIC! Josie. Well done that girl!!!
  • Well done, Josie. It's an inspiration to the rest of us.
  • Weyhey! Fantastic news, well done Josie.
  • Brilliant News Josie. Congratulations!
  • Fantastic news, Josie - many congratulations!!!
  • That's wonderful news - congratulations Josie!
  • Congrats, Josie, that's brilliant news. An inspiration to us all.

  • Josie - many many congratulations ! Let's hope it's the path to more !
  • Wow! You go girl! What fantastic news. A dream come true eh?!
  • Hey - That's the best kind of news we get to hear on this forum! Well done and best of luck - I hope it leads to more deals for you.
    Let us know when it's published and I'll show my support by buying a copy!
  • Well done Josie! :-)
  • Josie, you must be shouting your news really loud - you've brought loads of TBers out of the woodwork :D
  • Off topic - sorry!

    TBer in the woodwork eh IK? Has it occurred to you that some may have strayed into your attic? :-P
  • Hehe, CC - I could quite easily become paranoid about what's going on up there :)
  • We'll all be asking for your autograph soon, Josie. Congratulations!
  • What thread am I on? Shades of Mrs Rochester/Dial M For Murder?
  • Well done, hard work has its own rewards. Congratulations, not surprised you couldn't sleep.
  • Great news, Josie.
  • That is just fantastic news Josie.

    All the very best.
  • Wow!!! Well done, you! Title please, so we can all look out for it!!!!!!
  • Fantastic news, Josie. Well done!
  • Super! Great stuff! well done Josie!
  • Great! Super!
  • Really pleased for you Josie. No place for grave comments. Hope you'll be coffin up many more tomes in the years to come.
  • Yahoo! well done!
  • I'm so excited for you. Well done you clever sausage.
  • Congratulations! AND beer and nachos! I hope that's standard and they'll be regularly supplying them in plenty, on tap even.
  • and I forgot to add that I too would like a hint of the title.
    Do they 'mess around' with it? Do they let you choose your own? or is in the sticky fingers of the dreaded marketing division?

    (no dis' intended to any talkbackers involved in marketing...)
  • Such exciting news, Josie. Congratulations! :-D
  • Josie, that's fantastic - congratulations!
  • Brillian news - that has really cheered up my Saturday morning. I am thrilled for you.
  • Josie, wow that's brilliant, fantastic, bloomin marvelous.
    Well done you. Enjoy every moment. I am thrilled for you.
  • Well done!
  • Brilliant, Josie! As a talkbacker you should get WM to do one of those author profiles to help publicise your book! Then we can all read it and say things like 'Course Josie's one of us, you know...'

    Well done you - I raise my glass to you (not a virtual one - nothing but the real thing will do!)
  • Best story on here for friggin' years. Well done, Josie.
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