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I completed my first novel but it turned out short in words

edited February 2008 in - Writing Tales
I am so happy as I finally completed my first novel yesterday. Unfortunately I did not write enough as it only turned out to be just over 77,000 words in total. Still, I'm proud of it and am going to work on a new one from now, with hope that I will succeed with it.
I would love to see my name in print but I know that I have many years ahead that I can improve to the point of publishing.


  • Well done! Are you sure no one will accept a word count of 77,000?
  • Well done Alana! Good luck with the new one!
  • Put it away for a while Alana, then look at it again, you may find there is something you haven't used to its full potential.
    Good luck with the next one.
  • sounds like a lot of words to me i agree with jay
  • Well done on getting to 77,000 words. Just to sustain a story over that length is a real achievement and you'll have learnt a lot from writing it. As Carol says, if you have a break from it now when you look at it again you may find something aspects you can build up a little more, eg a sub-plot or some more details about characters. However your word count is not far short of the usual novel length which seems to be around 80,000 plus, so I wouldn't worry too much.
  • congratulations! Books go between 75,000 and 80,000 so you are about right!
  • Congratulations on completeing your first novel. What genre is it? I think like dorothy says it is about right. So take a look in the writers and artist year book to see what publishers want and go from there. Good luck. Don't give up on finding it a home, now. You can still work on a new novel, but you've worked so hard on the first one, its time to find a home for your baby and let it see if it has legs...so to speak. Good luck.
  • well done! I agree on the taking a break from it thing...I did that for about 6 months or more and came back to it and found that other stories i had written could fit perfectly into the plot...and my first draft is only 19 000 words according to MS Word...good luck with it!
  • Congratulations, Alana - this is major achievement. Whatever you do in the future, you will never complete your first novel again. Enjoy the moment!

    I would do as others suggest - put it away for a few weeks or months and work on something new. Then reread it with fresh eyes. You may well find that there is material that needs to be added - which will bring your word count up a bit. But don't put extra stuff in for the sake of it. Both my novels grew by about 20% when I revised them, and this was in spite of removing some superfluous description. Whole new scenes may present themselves to you which you realise need to be added. You could easily end up with a novel of length 80000 or even more. This is long enough for many genres, though not all. I've been told that romantic fiction should be around 100000 unless it's specifically for Mills and Boon, who look for much lower word counts.

    My latest novel is just under 80K and I have a publisher interested.

    Very best of luck!
  • Well done. Is it really going into a desk drawer? You could try sending it out and see how you get on.
  • I'm with Mutley. You never know and your word count is there or there about. Very well done for finishing it, give yourself a huge pat on the back and enjoy a nice treat.
  • Well done. I know the long slog and my first is about the same length. The lessons that you learned, whatever you do with your first novel, will be invaluable in your second. My plotting and organisational abilities on my second took leaps forward. It also made me aware that my first could be better. Maybe one day I'll resurect it. Meantime I have other ideas. Keep working and good luck.
  • Well done Alana - you've proved to yourself you can do it. Agree with the advice about putting it aside for a time. Good luck with the second.
  • There's nothing like typing those great words - The End. It's a huge achievement and proves you can do it. Whether it gets published or not is almost secondary. Big pat on the back. Be proud and wear a smile for at least a month!
  • I'm with all those who say try sending it out Alana - you never know... Anyway, you are not a real writer until you have amassed a file of rejection slips! ;)
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