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success by association

edited February 2008 in - Writing Tales
You know how proud you are when one of your kids plays in the school orchestra or does well in an exam? Well, I am feeling a bit like that cos one of the adult students in my creative writing classes has just been told he's won the Writing Magazine murder story competition. I feel really chuffed that I helped him on the path to writing success. It's almost as exciting as winning it myself!


  • That's great news. As a teacher I know what you mean . I look forward to reading it.
  • Congratulations, wonderful news!
  • Excellent!
  • Gosh, that really is inspirational :) I know how grateful I am to the people in my old writers' group who first got me to think about submitting work to small presses and competitions. I owe them a lot. Anyone who can teach and inspire writers to write deserves much respect - and the happiness that comes of their students' success.
  • hey well done Viv - wish I could find a decent writers group in my area could do with all the encouragement I can get.
  • Well done, Viv. I read a book where James Scott Bell said the same thing. He was so proud when his students had success with their writing.
  • That's lovely Viv. Gives you a nice glow to know you've helped.
  • magic news for the morning! Congratulations all round!
  • Well done to him and you! :-)
  • Well done and pats on back all round...

    ....can I join your creative writing class :)
  • Great stuff, Viv! :-)
  • Good news for him and you, Viv!
  • Well done Viv, that is great. I can be pleased without any disappointment as I didn't enter that one!
  • Well done Viv, a good teacher is invaluable.
  • Good news Viv, well done to both. Look forward to reading the story. I like a good murder and wish I could write them myself!
  • Well done Viv - can you teach me? Clearly I need your help since I entered and didn't win that one!
  • Well done Viv!
  • Thanks all. I have encouraged the writer to join talkback or at least to log in and have a read of this thread. I think he would be pleased to see so many writers offering congratulations and there's nothing like a boost to the ego when you are new to this game!
  • The winning murder story is in WM this month, written by my ex-student Rob Nisbet. An unusual sci-fi setting and what a great invented word hibernaculum is! Do read it if you haven't already. I feel proud all over again!
  • Well done to you and your student.
  • edited May 2008
    Well done to you both Viv. I look forward to reading it.
  • I've just read it - it's very good, and different from the usual stuff. The word's in the dictionary, by the way.
  • Well done to you both. I'll read it tomorrow when my brain is functioning better.
  • Well taught, Viv - you must feel wonderful :)
  • It must be a great feeling. Well done you and more so to your student. I hope he/she keeps up the good work.
  • Congratulations to you both on a great read.

    On another note...Niddy, if there isn't a group in your area why not start one. In my part-time job I work with community groups and help them start up and progress, if anyone would like some assistance to do this, then please let me know. I can help you get start up funding, general advice etc
  • thanks very much TR, it's worth considering. The one in my home town wasn't very good but I have found one in the next ton to me which seems to be an improvement - if that doesn't work out I'll get in touch with you.
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