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June 16th 2008...

edited April 2008 in - Writing Tales
... will be the publication date for Charity's Child...

Waterstones and Borders have both offered me signing sessions (in Coventry); also Waterstones at Birmingham Uni where I used to work. This is getting exciting (and more than a bit scary...)

And I've spent the last three mornings making phone calls rather than writing - can't be good, can it?


  • Congratulations, Rosalie! :-)
  • Well done, Rosalie.
  • Wonderful news, hope it will be a great success. :)
  • Make the most of it Rosalie. You've obviously earned it with hard work. Nows the time to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
  • Congratulations, Rosalie. How exciting!
  • Well done Rosalie.
    The phone calls etc are all part of the package - enjoy the moment and you will be writing again when you are ready and have more time.
  • Congrats, Rosalie!
  • congrats! well done
  • Well done! Don't forget to take a camera with you.
  • Congratulations.
  • Congratulations! And you need phone call time, it would be way too exciting to concentrate on writing at the moment - but I would recommend trying to write just a little each day so you don't find it hard to restart...
  • Well done Rosalie - would be great if you could get a signing session at the Waterstones in Leamington, I could pop along and see you:)
  • Thanks, everyone. Good point about the camera, Jay.
  • great stuff, Rosalie, enjoy while you can, you'll be back at work writing before you know it!
  • Congratulations. Must be a great feeling.
  • It does feel good but has made me aware that finding a publisher is just the start. With a small publisher, good as they are, there is a lot of work for the writer to do regarding publicity. Mind you, I believe that can be the case with bigger publishers, too.

    For people like me who prefer to hide in a corner and scribble, it's quite an effort!

    It all got started because I submitted a story to a competition - one that had got nowhere in a previous comp. So keep up the submissions, folks...
  • well done Rosalie!!! :D:D:D
  • Wonderful, Rosalie - congratulations. :-)
  • edited April 2008
    WOO HOO Rosalie !!! Well done ! :)
  • Well done Rosalie :D
  • Well done, Rosalie, sounds exciting!
  • Congrats!! :-D
  • Hey, well done! You must be walking on clouds :D
  • All the above! :-)
  • Great news - well done.
  • Thanks everyone :)
  • Ah this is fantastic news Rosalie. Enjoy the book signings... may they be the first of many. And don't forget to tell us what is was like!
    (I love inspirational threads like this)
  • Good for you, Rosalie - congratulations.
  • Congratulations, Rosalie. Enjoy yourself!
  • Well done Rosalie!
  • Congratulations Rosalie, that's great news!

    I used to visit the Birmingham Uni Waterstone's quite regularly. Is it possible our paths might have crossed without my realising it?
  • Thanks for the kind thoughts, everyone.

    Amboline - what a coincidence. I was often to be found browsing there, between 2002 and 2006, either in Linguistics or Fiction.
  • Congratulations on your brilliant news, Rosalie!
  • I was 2001-2003, and most often perusing the poetry. The poetry shelves were right by the front door so you will probably have spotted me in passing!
  • Yes, I remember - I used to stop and browse the poetry sometimes, too. Small world...
  • Wow, well done Rosalie :-D.
  • Congratulations Rosalie. :P
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