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I'm so excited...

edited April 2008 in - Writing Tales
I'm going to have a copy of Charity's Child in my hands tomorrow! My publisher just took delivery of them from the printers.

Can't wait...


  • edited April 2008
    Congrats Rosalie ! I assume Charity's Child is written by your own fair hand? Look forward to seeing it in the shops - well done !
  • Fantastic Rosalie! *bounces around room*
  • Great news!
  • A red letter day, Rosalie! Take photographs!!
  • Well done Rosalie. Definitely take photos! :P
  • Nice one Rosalie. How exciting. Enjoy the moment :)
  • Hurray. Yes take a photo of the event- it will never be your first book again. :)
  • How wonderful, a very special moment indeed.
  • That must feel amazing, Rosalie. Will you be able to sleep tonight?
  • edited April 2008
    Great news Rosalie - hope the event is as good as the anticipation of it obviously is! Well done :)
  • Congratulations Rosalie. Well done.
  • Horray well done!
  • Heeeeeeyyyy, well done [jumping up and waving fist like Julia Roberts in that film]
    Do let us know what it is like (those of us that don't yet have a book out) so that we can all enjoy the moment with you - and be totally envious :-D

    Again, well done!
  • edited April 2008
    Yes, it's my book wot I wrote...

    It won't be in all the bookshops - far from it - small publisher so we don't have big distribution budgets. But it'll be on sale from my website (take a peek in my profile if you're interested) or from my publisher's website, and can be ordered from bookshops. (Not Amazon - it may be possible to order it from there but they'll stick a search fee on and pocket the dosh...)

    Writers News (or is it Writers MAgazine?) are doing a feature which I hope will be in the June issue. I mentioned to them that I'm a keen Talkbacker and that I got lots of useful advice from our resident TB police officers and lots of encouragement from everyone else - so I hope they'll quote me on that.
  • Yay, well done you! Savour the moment, bask in the glory, open a bottle of champagne (what better excuse?)! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Well done Rosalie. Enjoy the moment, we're enjoying it with you. Great stuff.
  • Well done Rosalie, that must feel amazing!
  • Well done Rosalie!
  • Fantastic, Rosalie - enjoy!
  • Hooray! Well done!
  • It's an exciting moment Rosalie!
  • what a feeling!!! Enjoy!
  • Congratulations! :-) :-) :-)
  • Thanks, everyone :)
  • They're here!!! Such an amazing feeling, holding my book in my hands... :)

    Cover looks great and haven't seen any typos yet...
  • Oh, Rosalie! What a great moment! Let's open the champagne.
  • CONGRATULATIONS Rosalie - waving at you up in that cloud...:D
  • Congratulations Rosalie. I can just imagine how fantastic that must feel. It's one of those moments where you wish you could bottle that wonderful feeling so you can feel it over and over again. Enjoy! You've earned it! :-D
  • Well done Rosalie! :P
  • Great news!
  • Many many congratulations. I will always remember the thrill of seeing my first article in print - so trying to imagine how thrilling it must be to hold your first book. Truly delighted for you and thank you for making me grin from ear to ear!!
  • I can see the champagne corks popping all over Coventry - well done
  • Well done, you must be really, really happy! I'm sure the grin will fade eventually, but don't let it leave you too soon :D
  • Enjoy the experience, just tie yourself to something solid so you don't float away :)
  • so pleased for you, Rosalie!
  • Good for you Rosalie.
  • Thanks everyone - it's so nice to share this happiness with friends.
  • Congrats Rosalie, enjoy!! :-D
  • Just looked at your site Rosalie. The book looks and sounds great. Well done
  • Nice one, Rosalie. Good luck with the sales.
  • Well done , Roasalie!
  • Brilliant! Well done! You much feel absolutely fantastic!
  • Congratulations, Rosalie!
  • Brilliant Rosalie. You must feel ab. fab!
  • Nice one Rosalie - savour the moment. I will always remember holding a copy of my book for the first time - I think I cried for 10 minutes !
  • I'm so happy for you Rosalie. What a fantastic moment. Hope the book sells well.

    Sending champagne filled team hugs to you. :-)
  • Many congratulations Rosalie! I've just had a look at your website - your books sounds great. It will soon be my Birthday, so it will be going on my list. :-)
  • Just to say to those who have been kind enough to take a look at my website and espressed interest - Charity's Child's official publication date is June 16th, and I'll have a Paypal button on my website to order from about June 10th onwards, with post and packing free for those who order early.

    Thanks for all the good wishes.
  • Can we please keep this near the top. I have such an awful memory and I want a copy.
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