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Late Payments - Part of the Writers Life

edited April 2008 in - Writing Tales
Just venting here really as I know that nothing can be done, except a bit of hand wringing and perhaps some scowling at children playing in the street...

Basically I have three payments due to me for various bits of work. Two from the same firm are late, one is 7 weeks overdue the other a mere 5 days... The third is for some articles I submitted under contract at the start of March. Apparently the cheque is in the post!

Okkkaaayyyy. I'll try that one down at Tesco shall I?

"55.90 pence please sir"
"No problem, I'll put a cheque in the post as soon as I get home. What do you say?"

All part of the writers life I suppose. Even getting a down payment or a contract that gives scheduled payments is no guarantee that those schedules will happen in any meaningful way or indeed at all.

I've been a full time writer since 2004 and during that time these sorts of problems have occurred on and off without fail with nearly all my payments... One was actually 4 months late and I needed to write to the CEO of the company to get any money out of them!

Okay. Rant over. I just thought I would post this as a warning to anyone worrying about not being published, when what they really need to worry about is getting paid after they get published.

PAYE feels like a real attractive option right now. Just not sure I am willing to let go of this dream job I currently have, ie working for myself and spending all day writing... If only someone would publish one of my fiction books then option it for a film... But while I am wishing for that, I guess I could put one in for world hunger...


  • Unfortunately it still happens RG.
    First- I'm assuming you sent invoices out. If you didn't then do so now.
    Ensure all your contact details are on it. Ensure that the details of the item are put down and the sum that had been agreed by ... And if published when.
    Send it to the accounts department requesting it is paid within 28 days.
    If you don't get a response then you should inform them that you will be taking further action if no payment is received- no business wants to be taken to the small claims court because it can effect their credit (a big worry for businesses at the moment).
    Good luck, and hope the payments turn up soon.
  • I can understand your frustration. I co-run a freelance business and getting money out of people for work done is sometimes a bit like herding cats! I agree with Carol and would imagine that, as an experienced freelancer, you have invoiced straight away. I would like to just add however that I wish I could do what you do, frustrations and all, if only to be able to spend my days writing (wistful sigh), hope you get it sorted soon.
  • Randomguy: I assume these are freelance articles, rather than part of a regular contract to write? If so, I would take Carol's advice and add to it that you shouldn't send them any more articles until the overdue payments are met. If the editor is expecting further articles from you, you could even tell them in your reminder letter that further work will only be delivered once all payments are met.
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