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edited May 2008 in - Writing Tales
Hi there Talkbackers,
I've been itching to update all who have wondered how THE EQUIVOQUE PRINCIPLE and the following CORNELIUS QUAINT books have fared since the recent announcement about the folding of my publishers, THE FRIDAY PROJECT, and their subsequent inhalation by HARPERCOLLINS, but my hands have been tied whilst waiting for an official announcement. This gag was doubly hard for those TFP staff who were (unfairly in some cases) attacked blogwise across the internet, meaning they could not effectively fight their corner until the ink was dry on the contract. That financial stuff has nothing to do with me, and so I leave it to those far better qualified to judge or comment.

Effectively, with TFP going into liquidation it meant my 3 book deal was in jeopardy, and the rights reverted to me. Any deal with the Friday Project publishing the first Cornelius Quaint trilogy was void. A thoroughly depressing cloud for a lot of authors on their books to live under. But there was a ray of sunshine...

The nice, devoted folks at TFP did keep me well up to date to inform me at every stage what was on the cards, and knowing that HarperCollins were interested in buying selected titles from the TFP list, I prayed they would see a gem in my series. It was a long and anxious wait, but I finally got word that HarperCollins like THE EQUIVOQUE PRINCIPLE and its sequels enough to go with it, and now, Cornelius Quaint has a new home just in time for his paperback release, which I expect to be July some time. This means a hell of a lot more clout, as well as more promotion, exposure etc. so it is the best news ever...I almost thought the book was going to fade out before it even got as far as paperback, but its good news, folks....we're back in business!!!!!


  • Great news, Daz!
  • BRILLIANT!!!!!
  • That's fantastic news. What a horrible wait you've had to endure, but what a wonderful outcome! Many congratulations.
  • That's wonderful news and, although sad about TFP, it is in many ways even better news for you. Wish you continuing and bigger success.
    Tracy :)
  • edited May 2008
    Brilliant! Fate has played her fickle hand and you have come up aces, Daz. (or should that be trumps) Congratulations. :-)
  • Fantastic news Daz - you must be really relieved - well done :)
  • haha. Indeed, as much as i like the folks at TFP, they were small fry (i mean that in the nicest possible way) compared to harpercollins. I would never in my wildest dreams scored a 3 book deal with harper on my own merit (as good as I am/might be) but this way i am sort of slipping in through the back door. As harpercollins only took on 30 of TFP's catalogue, and few few fiction titles, I find myself in a fantastic position for the future...
  • Isn't it strange how things work out sometimes? Brilliant news, though. Well done you for being one of the those selected!
  • Fantastic turn out - well done, look forward to seeing the PB on the booksleves
  • Really, really pleased for you Daz. Well done!
  • Well done! Blimey, that turned out well in the end. I hope it carries on for you.
  • Ever has been, one door closes, another opens, often a bigger door. Blackness turns to light. Stop philosophising, Dorothy., Daz is riding the clouds at the moment anyway!
  • Fantastic, news, Daz - well done! :)
  • Wonderful news Daz, your books will get the chance of wider exposure. Congratulations. :D
  • thanks all. the past few months have certainly been up and down.
    The Up: seeing the hardback in print and hoping it was the start of so many big things. The Down: Finding myself drying up for ideas, not knowing if I'd ever leave the starting blocks and thinking about jacking it all in...thinking that my dream had been taken away from me, and as I first signed the contract in 2006 it has been a hell of a wait. I almost wished that I'd never been offered a contract, things were that depressing. But i had to keep positive and at least I havent lost anything more than time.
    And now I'm back on the Up...(but still that unknown territory is on the horizon as to how i will fare as a 'real writer')
    Getting published has not taken that away from me...I'm still normal !! I'm still an amateur!
  • Wonderful news for you, Daz! They say every cloud has a silver lining - yours must be lined with gold.
  • Great news, really pleased for you. Go out and celebrate (and have a couple for me).
  • Daz that is great news. I am delighted and look forward to the other two coming out. Congratulations, it is well deserved.
  • That is brilliant news Daz. I enjoyed the first book and am now looking forward to the next two coming out.
  • This really is excellent news Daz, I'm so pleased for you!
  • Wow, great news. Please keep us up to date with everything that happens!
  • Hi folks,
    Just to say...to all those that have bought and read THE EQUIVOQUE PRINCIPLE, many thanks. I was hoping that the paperback would be released in July, but with all that is mentioned above I have been informed there will be a delay of the paperback version until March 2009. This is to give the series the very best chance of competing in the market. I am a tad disappointed but I trust the publisher's and their commercial savvy, so it makes sense, and realistically - I want the series to do the very best it can, and if I have to wait a few more months, so be it!
    So, to those that read the last page of Equivoque expecting a sequel in 2009, sorry - it'll be the following year!!!!
    We are soon to be working hard on building an online following for Cornelius Quaint, so will keep you guys and gals posted!
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