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Book launch - Notting Hill

edited May 2008 in - Writing Tales
My friend's book 'Space Captain Smith by Toby Frost' is being launched at Waterstones in Notting Hill tomorrow. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy and am looking forward to sitting on the train on the way home, with my head in the book chuckling. I've listened to snippits and enjoyed the colourful characters involved. Take a look at http://www.spacecaptainsmith.com/ for all the nitty gritty details.

With its excellent endorsement from Dirk Maggs it can't fail to be a hit.


  • Good luck to him. If I didn't have so much writing of my own to do, I'd pop along, but I'm snowed under (that's why I'm on here - avoidance tactics).
  • I know that one. Hope you get the avoidance out of the way and storm ahead later or tomorrow which ever time slot you're in.
  • It looks and sounds intriguing butterfly - hope the launch goes well (Let us know!) :D
  • Well, I managed to avoid it so well I fell asleep a little while ago, so it'll definitely have to be full steam ahead in the morning.
  • Goodluck to your friend Butterfly! :-D
  • Congratulations and good luck on your friend's launch. :)
  • Well done, Butterfly's friend and good luck !
  • congratulations to Butterfly's friend!
  • I've never managed to get to a book launch before so this is extra special. The book is amazing and at least I should have my own copy to cuddle up with tonight and of course read on the train home. I'm just hoping it isn't going to rain. We want the sun to come out and for it to be a lovely balmy evening.
  • Well did it rain? Did it!!! a thunderstorm as I set out, but it soon blew itself out. We arrived on time, dashed in and grabbed our books. It was a great night. Lots of books were sold, Toby did a reading and signed our copies. I gSuess there must have been between 40 - 50 people milling around queueing for their books to be signed. I believe that Toby is going to be an author whose books fly off the shelf and having just sold his second book is on his way to the big time. I'm so pleased I managed to be there at the begining of this most talented writer. Keep your eyes open for his name - Toby Frost.
  • You should get him to join Talkback - would love to hear his publishing story.
  • Hear, hear - the more the merrier.
  • I expect he'll be rather busy at the moment, but take a look at his website and I'm sure if you email him, he'll give you the low down on how he got to this point. http://www.spacecaptainsmith.com/ for all the nitty gritty details.
    All I can say is that my son has my reading copy at the moment and he left it at work yesterday and was pretty miffed. For a 17 year old I thought that was good. However this isn't a YA book, it is for all adults and anyone with a good sense of humour. When I went to get it today, Ryan said, "Oh, I was enjoying that!" I told him to go off to watersons or amazon and buy a copy.
    I'm taking it away with me on my writing retreat at the weekend. Can't wait. :P
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